Even Nomads Need a Home, Why Not in Spain?

Spain is issuing digital nomad visas for remote workers who want to continue to work or retire and enjoy the gorgeous countryside, culture, food, and weather the country has to offer… CONTINUE READING >>

Spain is issuing digital nomad visas for remote workers who want to continue to work or retire and enjoy the gorgeous countryside, culture, food, and weather the country has to offer… CONTINUE READING >>

Build a Better Bike and the World will Beat a Path to Your Door

We often try to use our bikes instead of a car, but there are some definite drawbacks that arise. How many times have we said, “there must be a better way?” Well, it turns out there is!It’s called a PEBL by BetterBike…

We often try to use our bikes instead of a car, but there are some definite drawbacks that arise. How many times have we said, “there must be a better way?” Well, it turns out there is!It’s called a PEBL by BetterBike…

Simplify Your Life as an Empty Nester

Many parents take the time when their children grow up and move out as an opportunity to simplify. Most likely you have a lot more freedom and spare time so you might want a more minimalist lifestyle… CONTINUE READING >>

Many parents take the time when their children grow up and move out as an opportunity to simplify. Most likely you have a lot more freedom and spare time so you might want a more minimalist lifestyle… CONTINUE READING >>

Go Ahead Punk…Make My (Father’s) Day

Whenever Father’s Day would roll around when I was a youngster, the inevitable question arose, “Why isn’t there a kid’s day?”

Every parent ever to draw a breath gave the same reply, “Everyday is kid’s day.” CONTINUE READING >>

Whenever Father’s Day would roll around when I was a youngster, the inevitable question arose, “Why isn’t there a kid’s day?”

Every parent ever to draw a breath gave the same reply, “Everyday is kid’s day.” CONTINUE READING >>

Fear Conquering & Writing A Will

My biggest concern was to have our affairs in order, in the event of my certain demise. It’s essential for me to be sure that the kids are not burdened when I go down in flames in a hang gliding / bungee jumping / snowboarding / street food eating episode… CONTINUE READING >>

My biggest concern was to have our affairs in order, in the event of my certain demise. It’s essential for me to be sure that the kids are not burdened when I go down in flames in a hang gliding / bungee jumping / snowboarding / street food eating episode… CONTINUE READING >>

Adventures in Nest Swapping

One of the many advantages to having an “empty” nest is the freedom to swap your nest with other adventurous types. We decided that before we sold our house, we would try using it as bait for a cheap month in New York City.

Being in the habit of Googling at the drop of a hat, we took the online approach to finding suitable exchanges. We looked at several different sites, and chose a well known one for its ease of use and abundant choices from all over the globe. For a small annual fee, one can peruse homes, set up destinations to visit and… CONTINUE READING >>

One of the many advantages to having an “empty” nest is the freedom to swap your nest with other adventurous types. We decided that before we sold our house, we would try using it as bait for a cheap month in New York City.

Being in the habit of Googling at the drop of a hat, we took the online approach to finding suitable exchanges. We looked at several different sites, and chose a well known one for its ease of use and abundant choices from all over the globe. For a small annual fee, one can peruse homes, set up destinations to visit and… CONTINUE READING >>

THE Talk

“I’m eighteen now, I can do what I want.”

The dreaded time when the spawn are technically adults but still in high school. At that age, it would seem that “adult” means the freedom to head out and start being stupid at top speed.

The standard “Not in my house” or “As long as you live under my roof, you’ll abide by my rules” replies didn’t seem to sink in with our young ‘uns. In fact, I could almost see the heels digging in to the floor.

One day while driving our oldest, The Piglet, to school, I got fed up and burst out with what became known in our family as “THE Talk.” No, not THAT “the talk”, this one:… CONTINUE READING >>

“I’m eighteen now, I can do what I want.”

The dreaded time when the spawn are technically adults but still in high school. At that age, it would seem that “adult” means the freedom to head out and start being stupid at top speed.

The standard “Not in my house” or “As long as you live under my roof, you’ll abide by my rules” replies didn’t seem to sink in with our young ‘uns. In fact, I could almost see the heels digging in to the floor.

One day while driving our oldest, The Piglet, to school, I got fed up and burst out with what became known in our family as “THE Talk.” No, not THAT “the talk”, this one:… CONTINUE READING >>