Obviously I’m alive, so why is it so hard to get a new copy of my birth certificate?
There is no way that I was alone when I asked myself that question. But since a birth certificate is one of those things that you seldom need, I just didn’t think about it. That is, until I did need it.
For travelers like us, one of the biggest of those needs is when applying for a passport. Try doing that without a certified copy of your birth certificate!
But there are a lot of other times when a copy of your birth certificate is required. In many states one is necessary for getting a driver’s license, to get married, or enrolling a child in school, as well as many other tasks that pop up unexpectedly from time to time.
You will also need one to replace a Social Security card. So, as you can see, it is a good idea to have yours available, or the ability to get a new one quickly if you have lost track of yours over the years.
We certainly didn’t think much about this until we both lost ours in a fire a few years ago. Right after the disaster, replacing our birth certificates was not high on our list of concerns. In fact, we didn’t even think about it. Just finding a way to get through day-to-day life took up all of our time and energy after a calamity like that.
We had to find a place to stay, luckily we had family nearby, and then find a new place to live. Meanwhile hundreds of others in our town that had been displaced by the wildfire that took our home were also looking. All of this in a housing market that was already tight.
It wasn’t until we had found our way back on our feet a bit that it began to dawn on us that there were so many details about life that we had lost. Of course, all of the personal stuff like photos, keepsakes, and heirlooms hurt the most, but we also realized that we had to have new copies of all of our important documents.
We had our passports and drivers licenses with us because we were on a bicycle tour in Cuba when the fire happened, but not our birth certificates.
I wish we had known about birthcertificatecopy.com back then.
It certainly would have made things easier. Since 2015 they have been one of the leading companies to provide assistance with fast and convenient service for helping to easily and securely obtain vital records online.
This means we could have avoided the hassle of having to deal with government offices. Just fill out a simple online application that only takes a few minutes and they do the rest.
No more back and forth with bureaucrats or phone calls and letters day after day, everything is taken care of at the same time. After that you can put it out of your mind until your new certificate arrives.
That sure beats how we did it.
David & Veronica, GypsyNester.com
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