Like most travelers, we enjoy putting another notch on our suitcase handle by adding to our list of visited countries.
We found this remarkably easy to do while in Buenos Aires, just hop on a ferry across the river to Uruguay. The delightful town of Colonia del Sacramento lies on the other side of the Río de la Plata, so after a forty-five minute ride on the Buquebus, we were adding a stamp to our… CONTINUE READING >>

Like most travelers, we enjoy putting another notch on our suitcase handle by adding to our list of visited countries.
We found this remarkably easy to do while in Buenos Aires, just hop on a ferry across the river to Uruguay. The delightful town of Colonia del Sacramento lies on the other side of the Río de la Plata, so after a forty-five minute ride on the Buquebus, we were adding a stamp to our… CONTINUE READING >>

The entire old town of Colonia is surrounded by stone bulwarks due to its early unsettled history, and much of the stone work remains, especially along the water. For a better view, we figured we’d climb up to the top of the lighthouse… CONTINUE READING >>

The entire old town of Colonia is surrounded by stone bulwarks due to its early unsettled history, and much of the stone work remains, especially along the water. For a better view, we figured we’d climb up to the top of the lighthouse… CONTINUE READING >>

The delightful town of Colonia del Sacramento lies on the other side of the Río de la Plata from Buenos Aires, so after a forty-five minute ride on the Buquebus… CONTINUE READING >>

The delightful town of Colonia del Sacramento lies on the other side of the Río de la Plata from Buenos Aires, so after a forty-five minute ride on the Buquebus… CONTINUE READING >>

The undisputed star of our lunch turned out to be the dessert, a crepe creation that we ordered by pointing at our neighbor’s table and indicating that we wanted one too. The crepe arrived warm… CONTINUE READING >>

The undisputed star of our lunch turned out to be the dessert, a crepe creation that we ordered by pointing at our neighbor’s table and indicating that we wanted one too. The crepe arrived warm… CONTINUE READING >>
On the beach in Colonia, Uruguay, this adorable little guy is more than ready to share his father’s passion for fishing. Doesn’t matter that the pole is three times his size, he tackles the task at hand!
Veronica, GypsyNester.com
To see more of beautiful Colonia: https://www.gypsynester.com/colonia-uruguay.htm