Mama Loves a Ball of Paint

In honor of Mother’s Day, and mothers everywhere, and in keeping with our love for anything and everything World’s Largest, Greatest, Biggest, or Best,we are revisiting this story of our very first Mother’s Day as empty nesters…


In honor of Mother’s Day, and mothers everywhere, and in keeping with our love for anything and everything World’s Largest, Greatest, Biggest, or Best,we are revisiting this story of our very first Mother’s Day as empty nesters…


Living on a Boat #boatlife

It’s been a while since we actually felt like we lived anywhere.I realize that sounds like a strange statement, but it’s true. From the time we left St. Croix a dozen years ago until just this past year we have been essentially nomads. But now we bought a boat, moved on to it and made it our new home…

It’s been a while since we actually felt like we lived anywhere.I realize that sounds like a strange statement, but it’s true. From the time we left St. Croix a dozen years ago until just this past year we have been essentially nomads. But now we bought a boat, moved on to it and made it our new home…

Helping Your Aging Parents Move: A GypsyNester Guide

Helping your folks downsize and move as they get on in years can be a daunting task. The emotions of leaving a place that has been home for many years — along with that elephant in the room, aging — are heavy burdens.

We have recently assisted with three moves with varying degrees of success, and haveCONTINUE READING >> 

Helping your folks downsize and move as they get on in years can be a daunting task. The emotions of leaving a place that has been home for many years — along with that elephant in the room, aging — are heavy burdens.

We have recently assisted with three moves with varying degrees of success, and haveCONTINUE READING >> 

No Home for the Holidays

Selling the nest and becoming GypsyNesters has given our adult chicks the joy of being hosts for the holidays in their homes.

It’s not about expensive gifts – instead we enjoy…  CONTINUE READING >>

Selling the nest and becoming GypsyNesters has given our adult chicks the joy of being hosts for the holidays in their homes.

It’s not about expensive gifts – instead we enjoy…  CONTINUE READING >>

Help! There’s No One to Eat the Leftovers!

Are you sick of leftovers yet? We love them, but once the kids are gone who’s gonna eat all of this?!?!

Are you sick of leftovers yet? We love them, but once the kids are gone who’s gonna eat all of this?!?!

I Located My 70s Prom Photo, and it’s Every Bit as Tragic as I Thought it Would Be!

I got a notice for a high school reunion the other day.Forty-five years!As my darling wife of thirty-nine of those would say, “That’s almost forty!”

I got a notice for a high school reunion the other day.Forty-five years!As my darling wife of thirty-nine of those would say, “That’s almost forty!”