No Home for the Holidays

Selling the nest and becoming GypsyNesters has given our adult chicks the joy of being hosts for the holidays in their homes.

It’s not about expensive gifts – instead we enjoy…  CONTINUE READING >>

Selling the nest and becoming GypsyNesters has given our adult chicks the joy of being hosts for the holidays in their homes.

It’s not about expensive gifts – instead we enjoy…  CONTINUE READING >>

I Located My 70s Prom Photo, and it’s Every Bit as Tragic as I Thought it Would Be!

I got a notice for a high school reunion the other day.Forty-five years!As my darling wife of thirty-nine of those would say, “That’s almost forty!”

I got a notice for a high school reunion the other day.Forty-five years!As my darling wife of thirty-nine of those would say, “That’s almost forty!”

HOliday HOmecoming HOopla

The holidays are fast approaching so now is a good time to explore some of the unique aspects of family gatherings for empty nesters. When we were a young family, the holidays posed a problem for us. Whose family we should visit?

The holidays are fast approaching so now is a good time to explore some of the unique aspects of family gatherings for empty nesters. When we were a young family, the holidays posed a problem for us. Whose family we should visit?

Go Ahead Punk…Make My (Father’s) Day

Whenever Father’s Day would roll around when I was a youngster, the inevitable question arose, “Why isn’t there a kid’s day?”

Every parent ever to draw a breath gave the same reply, “Everyday is kid’s day.” CONTINUE READING >>

Whenever Father’s Day would roll around when I was a youngster, the inevitable question arose, “Why isn’t there a kid’s day?”

Every parent ever to draw a breath gave the same reply, “Everyday is kid’s day.” CONTINUE READING >>

Ever Wonder How Our Adventure Began? Guess We’ve Always Been a Little Crazy!

A one-night stand (not ours!), a beat-up old car named the Sharkmobile, and the US Postal Service delivered a 1-2-3 punch we couldn’t ignore It might not be the most romantic story…

A one-night stand (not ours!), a beat-up old car named the Sharkmobile, and the US Postal Service delivered a 1-2-3 punch we couldn’t ignore It might not be the most romantic story…

Love and Spit-takes

Have you noticed that the older we get, the less we laugh? As a mother and someone who has worked in academic settings, I find myself envious of teenaged girls who can work themselves into hiccup-inducing hysterics over the slightest thing. Admittedly, the tears come just as fast, and I have to say I’m glad I’m past THAT nonsense but just witnessing a spontaneous giggle-fest sets my heart a-singing.

As a society, we unfortunately chalk uncontrollable laughter up to immaturity. How sad is that? I feel blessed anytime I’m with someone who can find humor in… CONTINUE READING  >>

Have you noticed that the older we get, the less we laugh? As a mother and someone who has worked in academic settings, I find myself envious of teenaged girls who can work themselves into hiccup-inducing hysterics over the slightest thing. Admittedly, the tears come just as fast, and I have to say I’m glad I’m past THAT nonsense but just witnessing a spontaneous giggle-fest sets my heart a-singing.

As a society, we unfortunately chalk uncontrollable laughter up to immaturity. How sad is that? I feel blessed anytime I’m with someone who can find humor in… CONTINUE READING  >>

The Best? (Worst?) Funniest. Family Portrait. Ever.

Every family has ’em.

Piles of throw-away snapshots that you can’t bear to throw away. Before digital cameras, our generation put every picture — no matter how bad — into a photo album. After all, they were precious – and we shelled out big bucks to have them developed.

Then there are the CLASSICS. The ones you should have thrown away, but instead you frame them. This one is ours.

Think about it, we thought we were sitting for a lovely family portrait. Clearly, all heck is breaking loose and none of us could… CONTINUE READING >>

Every family has ’em.

Piles of throw-away snapshots that you can’t bear to throw away. Before digital cameras, our generation put every picture — no matter how bad — into a photo album. After all, they were precious – and we shelled out big bucks to have them developed.

Then there are the CLASSICS. The ones you should have thrown away, but instead you frame them. This one is ours.

Think about it, we thought we were sitting for a lovely family portrait. Clearly, all heck is breaking loose and none of us could… CONTINUE READING >>

Traveling Low To The Ground

 Traveling low to the ground is our style of getting around. We’re not big on throwing money into all inclusive resorts, hate being told what to do and enjoy meeting the “real people” at our chosen destinations. It’s all about discovering things for ourselves and jumping into the culture at hand. No set plans…

 Traveling low to the ground is our style of getting around. We’re not big on throwing money into all inclusive resorts, hate being told what to do and enjoy meeting the “real people” at our chosen destinations. It’s all about discovering things for ourselves and jumping into the culture at hand. No set plans…