Spice Up Your Holidays with a Tamale Party

Do you need some spice in your life? Here’s a festive holiday idea!

Whether it’s a tamale party or your own special holiday tradition, please be sure to get together with family and friends this year.

Enjoy each other… CONTINUE READING >>

Do you need some spice in your life? Here’s a festive holiday idea!

Whether it’s a tamale party or your own special holiday tradition, please be sure to get together with family and friends this year.

Enjoy each other… CONTINUE READING >>

Introducing Baby BAMF! Or How We Drove Our RV on a Racetrack

We have a new RV! What better way to break him in than on a race track, right?

Race alongside your GypsyNesters as David puts our new (even more downsized) motorhome through the paces – and get a peek inside of our new home!.. CONTINUE READING >>

We have a new RV! What better way to break him in than on a race track, right?

Race alongside your GypsyNesters as David puts our new (even more downsized) motorhome through the paces – and get a peek inside of our new home!.. CONTINUE READING >>

Just in Time for Valentine’s Day – Travel Pick-up Lines!

When Lonely Planet put out the word that they wanted submissions for clever Travel Pick-up Lines we were all in.

We love us some puns. The more corny the better… CONTINUE READING >> 

When Lonely Planet put out the word that they wanted submissions for clever Travel Pick-up Lines we were all in.

We love us some puns. The more corny the better… CONTINUE READING >> 

Heavy Petting: How many strange pets can one family have?

When our nest emptied, it emptied it not only of kids, but of pets too. We have nothing against pets. We’ve had both dogs and cats and loved them, but the GypsyNester lifestyle of no-plans and go-anywhere isn’t very conducive to taking an animal along. So, for now at least, we are finished with being pet parents.

But pets are often a part of parenting and I got to thinking about some of the colorful characters that were a part of my family through the years. When I was a little kid, our first pet configuration was a… CONTINUE READING >>

When our nest emptied, it emptied it not only of kids, but of pets too. We have nothing against pets. We’ve had both dogs and cats and loved them, but the GypsyNester lifestyle of no-plans and go-anywhere isn’t very conducive to taking an animal along. So, for now at least, we are finished with being pet parents.

But pets are often a part of parenting and I got to thinking about some of the colorful characters that were a part of my family through the years. When I was a little kid, our first pet configuration was a… CONTINUE READING >>

We’re Too Old For This Crap

One of our top priorities when becoming gypsy — as opposed to empty — nesters was to use our new found freedom to see family and friends that we hadn’t been able to visit in years.
While finishing up our childrearing years on a Caribbean island a thousand miles from the mainland we were understandably limited in our opportunities to drop in on folks.

Now that we are unfettered, we have had the opportunity to reunite with quite a few of our old friends. In every case I’ve noticed… CONTINUE READING >>

One of our top priorities when becoming gypsy — as opposed to empty — nesters was to use our new found freedom to see family and friends that we hadn’t been able to visit in years.
While finishing up our childrearing years on a Caribbean island a thousand miles from the mainland we were understandably limited in our opportunities to drop in on folks.

Now that we are unfettered, we have had the opportunity to reunite with quite a few of our old friends. In every case I’ve noticed… CONTINUE READING >>

Love and Spit-takes

Have you noticed that the older we get, the less we laugh? As a mother and someone who has worked in academic settings, I find myself envious of teenaged girls who can work themselves into hiccup-inducing hysterics over the slightest thing. Admittedly, the tears come just as fast, and I have to say I’m glad I’m past THAT nonsense but just witnessing a spontaneous giggle-fest sets my heart a-singing.

As a society, we unfortunately chalk uncontrollable laughter up to immaturity. How sad is that? I feel blessed anytime I’m with someone who can find humor in… CONTINUE READING  >>

Have you noticed that the older we get, the less we laugh? As a mother and someone who has worked in academic settings, I find myself envious of teenaged girls who can work themselves into hiccup-inducing hysterics over the slightest thing. Admittedly, the tears come just as fast, and I have to say I’m glad I’m past THAT nonsense but just witnessing a spontaneous giggle-fest sets my heart a-singing.

As a society, we unfortunately chalk uncontrollable laughter up to immaturity. How sad is that? I feel blessed anytime I’m with someone who can find humor in… CONTINUE READING  >>