Just what is the worst Christmas song ever?
Our most recent family holiday get-together found us gathered around the radio listening to the all-Christmas music station. Many artists lent their joyous voices to our celebration, but things took a turn when a real clunker reared its ugly head.
This prompted a wildly fun discussion. Everyone offered numerous contenders.
See what we’ve come up with and be sure to put in your two cents… CONTINUE READING >>
Just what is the worst Christmas song ever?
Our most recent family holiday get-together found us gathered around the radio listening to the all-Christmas music station. Many artists lent their joyous voices to our celebration, but things took a turn when a real clunker reared its ugly head.
This prompted a wildly fun discussion. Everyone offered numerous contenders.
See what we’ve come up with and be sure to put in your two cents… CONTINUE READING >>
My biggest concern was to have our affairs in order, in the event of my certain demise. It’s essential for me to be sure that the kids are not burdened when I go down in flames in a hang gliding / bungee jumping / snowboarding / street food eating episode… CONTINUE READING >>
My biggest concern was to have our affairs in order, in the event of my certain demise. It’s essential for me to be sure that the kids are not burdened when I go down in flames in a hang gliding / bungee jumping / snowboarding / street food eating episode… CONTINUE READING >>
Could it be aliens from outer space?
Sacsayhuaman is pronounced very much like sexy woman if the sexy is articulated the way witchy is sung in the song Witchy Woman.
(Which proved easy to implant in our memory banks.)
And there is definitely something witchy about… CONTINUE READING >>
Could it be aliens from outer space?
Sacsayhuaman is pronounced very much like sexy woman if the sexy is articulated the way witchy is sung in the song Witchy Woman.
(Which proved easy to implant in our memory banks.)
And there is definitely something witchy about… CONTINUE READING >>

We had just purchased our first motorhome, a beat-up old guy we named BAMF (as in Bad Ass MoFo), on eBay for $3,000. What could possibly go wrong?
We found out on day one when David got into an uncomfortably sticky situation… CONTINUE READING >>

We had just purchased our first motorhome, a beat-up old guy we named BAMF (as in Bad Ass MoFo), on eBay for $3,000. What could possibly go wrong?
We found out on day one when David got into an uncomfortably sticky situation… CONTINUE READING >>

A comment on our site:
“In my opinion, anyone who would refer to children in such a disgusting and disrespectful way (adult or not) is an emotionally bankrupt shell of a person…”
BAM! My first hate mail.
I read a lot of blogs. Any of them worth their salt raise strong emotion and spark debate on their message boards. Sometimes it can get a bit heated, but makes for a nice balance.
We have had comments on our website that strongly disagree with our opinions and we relish them, we value every… CONTINUE READING >>

A comment on our site:
“In my opinion, anyone who would refer to children in such a disgusting and disrespectful way (adult or not) is an emotionally bankrupt shell of a person…”
BAM! My first hate mail.
I read a lot of blogs. Any of them worth their salt raise strong emotion and spark debate on their message boards. Sometimes it can get a bit heated, but makes for a nice balance.
We have had comments on our website that strongly disagree with our opinions and we relish them, we value every… CONTINUE READING >>

Yup, it’s time for another women “of a certain age” post from me. So far I’ve overshared about stray hairs, arm flaps, botox, and mammograms – so why stop now, right?
This time it’s about my feet and cankles – yuck, I know, but it’s life and if I don’t overshare, who’s going to?
So here goes – some frank talk (but no gross pictures, promise), a little bit of whining and a solution or two… CONTINUE READING >>

Yup, it’s time for another women “of a certain age” post from me. So far I’ve overshared about stray hairs, arm flaps, botox, and mammograms – so why stop now, right?
This time it’s about my feet and cankles – yuck, I know, but it’s life and if I don’t overshare, who’s going to?
So here goes – some frank talk (but no gross pictures, promise), a little bit of whining and a solution or two… CONTINUE READING >>
How I shared my first inappropriate adult-to-adult laugh with my daughter. Not exactly a Hallmark moment – but I’ll take it.
There’s passion on Manhattan. I felt it as soon as I arrived on the island. For me, a major part of this enthusiasm radiates from my fast-walking, subway-chasing, black-wearing, taxi-flagging urbanite daughters, The Piglet and Decibel.
The New York I know is viewed through their eyes and it is a very youthful place. I have to say I’m a bit flattered that my girls felt they could drag this old T-Rex around everywhere they went. But, apparently, this dinosaur… CONTINUE READING >>
How I shared my first inappropriate adult-to-adult laugh with my daughter. Not exactly a Hallmark moment – but I’ll take it.
There’s passion on Manhattan. I felt it as soon as I arrived on the island. For me, a major part of this enthusiasm radiates from my fast-walking, subway-chasing, black-wearing, taxi-flagging urbanite daughters, The Piglet and Decibel.
The New York I know is viewed through their eyes and it is a very youthful place. I have to say I’m a bit flattered that my girls felt they could drag this old T-Rex around everywhere they went. But, apparently, this dinosaur… CONTINUE READING >>

Not a frequenter of biker joints, I don’t have a motorcycle license and renting scooters probably doesn’t count… who am I kidding, I’d never actually been to a biker bar.
So I didn’t know what to expect and, certainly not out of a place with a name like Poopy’s, other than a sense of humor. And… CONTINUE READING >>

Not a frequenter of biker joints, I don’t have a motorcycle license and renting scooters probably doesn’t count… who am I kidding, I’d never actually been to a biker bar.
So I didn’t know what to expect and, certainly not out of a place with a name like Poopy’s, other than a sense of humor. And… CONTINUE READING >>