Heavy Petting: How many strange pets can one family have?

When our nest emptied, it emptied it not only of kids, but of pets too. We have nothing against pets. We’ve had both dogs and cats and loved them, but the GypsyNester lifestyle of no-plans and go-anywhere isn’t very conducive to taking an animal along. So, for now at least, we are finished with being pet parents.

But pets are often a part of parenting and I got to thinking about some of the colorful characters that were a part of my family through the years. When I was a little kid, our first pet configuration was a… CONTINUE READING >>

When our nest emptied, it emptied it not only of kids, but of pets too. We have nothing against pets. We’ve had both dogs and cats and loved them, but the GypsyNester lifestyle of no-plans and go-anywhere isn’t very conducive to taking an animal along. So, for now at least, we are finished with being pet parents.

But pets are often a part of parenting and I got to thinking about some of the colorful characters that were a part of my family through the years. When I was a little kid, our first pet configuration was a… CONTINUE READING >>

4 Tips for Dealing with the Empty Nest

When your child is moving away from home you may feel a mix of conflicting emotions. Even though part of your role as a parent is to prepare them for adult life and to become independent, it can be hard to let them go… CONTINUE READING >>

When your child is moving away from home you may feel a mix of conflicting emotions. Even though part of your role as a parent is to prepare them for adult life and to become independent, it can be hard to let them go… CONTINUE READING >>

HOliday HOmecoming HOopla

The holidays are fast approaching so now is a good time to explore some of the unique aspects of family gatherings for empty nesters. When we were a young family, the holidays posed a problem for us. Whose family we should visit?

The holidays are fast approaching so now is a good time to explore some of the unique aspects of family gatherings for empty nesters. When we were a young family, the holidays posed a problem for us. Whose family we should visit?

Finding Hobbies as an Empty Nester

Your kids have made the transition into adulthood and flown the nest. It’s the perfect time to get back to doing the things you love or explore new hobbies you’ve never tried before… CONTINUE READING >>

Your kids have made the transition into adulthood and flown the nest. It’s the perfect time to get back to doing the things you love or explore new hobbies you’ve never tried before… CONTINUE READING >>