THE Talk

“I’m eighteen now, I can do what I want.”

The dreaded time when the spawn are technically adults but still in high school. At that age, it would seem that “adult” means the freedom to head out and start being stupid at top speed.

The standard “Not in my house” or “As long as you live under my roof, you’ll abide by my rules” replies didn’t seem to sink in with our young ‘uns. In fact, I could almost see the heels digging in to the floor.

One day while driving our oldest, The Piglet, to school, I got fed up and burst out with what became known in our family as “THE Talk.” No, not THAT “the talk”, this one:… CONTINUE READING >>

“I’m eighteen now, I can do what I want.”

The dreaded time when the spawn are technically adults but still in high school. At that age, it would seem that “adult” means the freedom to head out and start being stupid at top speed.

The standard “Not in my house” or “As long as you live under my roof, you’ll abide by my rules” replies didn’t seem to sink in with our young ‘uns. In fact, I could almost see the heels digging in to the floor.

One day while driving our oldest, The Piglet, to school, I got fed up and burst out with what became known in our family as “THE Talk.” No, not THAT “the talk”, this one:… CONTINUE READING >>

The Art of Trying Something New: 8 Things to Do as an Empty Nester

Once you become an empty nester, your home can seem a little lonely. The good news is that you are still in the prime of your life, so it’s time to begin working towards your goals again. Here’s some ideas to get you started…

Once you become an empty nester, your home can seem a little lonely. The good news is that you are still in the prime of your life, so it’s time to begin working towards your goals again. Here’s some ideas to get you started…

Not Ready to Take the Plunge? Small Steps Toward Gypsy Nesting

The toughest part of being a gypsy nester is actually making the decision to become one. For some, it’s too big a jump to make all at once. So they take a different path to the gypsy lifestyle—one that slopes gradually and doesn’t involve making quite so scary a leap…

The toughest part of being a gypsy nester is actually making the decision to become one. For some, it’s too big a jump to make all at once. So they take a different path to the gypsy lifestyle—one that slopes gradually and doesn’t involve making quite so scary a leap…

Going Gypsy and the Story of its Cover (you may judge the book by it)!

Risking shameless self-promotion, we bring you this story of how the cover to our book GOING GYPSY came to be…

Risking shameless self-promotion, we bring you this story of how the cover to our book GOING GYPSY came to be…

Examining the Role of Geriatric Psychiatry as our Loved Ones are Aging

The pandemic has been hard on all of us, causing stress and anxiety from generation to generation. So now we want to take a look at some of the effects on our elder relatives… CONTINUE READING >> 

The pandemic has been hard on all of us, causing stress and anxiety from generation to generation. So now we want to take a look at some of the effects on our elder relatives… CONTINUE READING >> 

Five Fun Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, here is a handful of ideas on how to make a romantic date night without ever leaving the comfort of your own home…

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, here is a handful of ideas on how to make a romantic date night without ever leaving the comfort of your own home…

Ever Wonder How Our Adventure Began? Guess We’ve Always Been a Little Crazy!

A one-night stand (not ours!), a beat-up old car named the Sharkmobile, and the US Postal Service delivered a 1-2-3 punch we couldn’t ignore It might not be the most romantic story…

A one-night stand (not ours!), a beat-up old car named the Sharkmobile, and the US Postal Service delivered a 1-2-3 punch we couldn’t ignore It might not be the most romantic story…

Deck the Halls, or in Our Case, Deck the Decks

Over the weekend we decided to decorate the boat.
What do you think?
Did we miss the mark?
Is it fun and festive?
Does it look like a Charlie Brown tree?

Over the weekend we decided to decorate the boat.
What do you think?
Did we miss the mark?
Is it fun and festive?
Does it look like a Charlie Brown tree?