What My Special Needs Niece Has Taught Me about Life and Laughter

My niece is a totally unique individual. 

Not in that “everyone’s a snowflake” kind of way. She’s truly unique.

Because of a wonky chromosome, each cell in in Anna’s little body is different from every other cell in the world. There is no one else like her.


My niece is a totally unique individual. 

Not in that “everyone’s a snowflake” kind of way. She’s truly unique.

Because of a wonky chromosome, each cell in in Anna’s little body is different from every other cell in the world. There is no one else like her.


How to Save Money on Travel Once You Turn 50

Turning fifty sucks, but there is a silver lining!

Not gonna lie, turning fifty was not our favorite thing in the world. Not even close.

Your GypsyNesters heroically sift through all the fabulous travel savings you receive — just by being “of a certain age” — so you have it at your fingertips.

And for your bookmarking pleasure… CONTINUE READING >>

Turning fifty sucks, but there is a silver lining!

Not gonna lie, turning fifty was not our favorite thing in the world. Not even close.

Your GypsyNesters heroically sift through all the fabulous travel savings you receive — just by being “of a certain age” — so you have it at your fingertips.

And for your bookmarking pleasure… CONTINUE READING >>

So I Broke Down and Tried Botox (please don’t judge me!)

I’m a squinter. Always have been. My Grandma used to caution me, “Quit doing that – your face will freeze that way!”

In my twenties, David would affectionately tease me about my “worry line.” He would always know when something was amiss, all he had to do was look between my eyes.

Fast forward thirty (or so) years and, still, I squint on. The squinting’s worst when I’m writing – I don’t even realized I’m doing it.

And Grandma was right, my face… CONTINUE READING >> 

I’m a squinter. Always have been. My Grandma used to caution me, “Quit doing that – your face will freeze that way!”

In my twenties, David would affectionately tease me about my “worry line.” He would always know when something was amiss, all he had to do was look between my eyes.

Fast forward thirty (or so) years and, still, I squint on. The squinting’s worst when I’m writing – I don’t even realized I’m doing it.

And Grandma was right, my face… CONTINUE READING >> 

The Good and Bad of Losing Control of the Holidays

This year marks a turning point for us.

We’ve fully handed over the Christmas planning process over to our adult daughters, led by The Piglet. We’re in full tell-us-where-and-when-to-show-up mode.

Don’t get us wrong, we feel comfy in The Piglet’s very capable hands, but it is weird. We hardly know what to do with… CONTINUE READING >>

This year marks a turning point for us.

We’ve fully handed over the Christmas planning process over to our adult daughters, led by The Piglet. We’re in full tell-us-where-and-when-to-show-up mode.

Don’t get us wrong, we feel comfy in The Piglet’s very capable hands, but it is weird. We hardly know what to do with… CONTINUE READING >>

Jousting with Middle Age

What is middle aged? I suppose we are implying the middle of our lifespan. So let’s say eighty years. That makes forty, give or take a few years, middle aged. Ninety is certainly a possibility, so, forty-five. Some of us might even live to be 100, so I can even go as high as fifty.

After that it gets a little curious. Fifty-five? Well, people have lived to 110, so let’s call the late fifties the absolute top side of middle age.

If someone sixty-plus is going around claiming to be middle aged, basically they are declaring… CONTINUE READING >>

What is middle aged? I suppose we are implying the middle of our lifespan. So let’s say eighty years. That makes forty, give or take a few years, middle aged. Ninety is certainly a possibility, so, forty-five. Some of us might even live to be 100, so I can even go as high as fifty.

After that it gets a little curious. Fifty-five? Well, people have lived to 110, so let’s call the late fifties the absolute top side of middle age.

If someone sixty-plus is going around claiming to be middle aged, basically they are declaring… CONTINUE READING >>

What I Learned at My First Women’s Retreat

The odd, nomadic lifestyle that I live (and love) is not especially conducive to making intimate, long-term connections. Something that I miss, and am sorely out of practice in pursuing.

But I wasn’t sure that a women’s retreat was right for me.

The lessons that I learned were completely unexpected… CONTINUE READING >>

The odd, nomadic lifestyle that I live (and love) is not especially conducive to making intimate, long-term connections. Something that I miss, and am sorely out of practice in pursuing.

But I wasn’t sure that a women’s retreat was right for me.

The lessons that I learned were completely unexpected… CONTINUE READING >>

Sometimes a Girl’s Gotta Get Away

Don’t get me wrong – I love being with David. 

We’re pretty much together 24/7 and it’s seldom a problem with us.

We work hard on keeping our relationship fresh (to varying degrees, of course!) and continue to try new things together.

But sometimes a girl… CONTINUE READING >>

Don’t get me wrong – I love being with David. 

We’re pretty much together 24/7 and it’s seldom a problem with us.

We work hard on keeping our relationship fresh (to varying degrees, of course!) and continue to try new things together.

But sometimes a girl… CONTINUE READING >>

Oh My Aching Feet! Cobblestones, Comfort & Flight-induced Cankles

Yup, it’s time for another women “of a certain age” post from me. So far I’ve overshared about stray hairs, arm flaps, botox, and mammograms – so why stop now, right?

This time it’s about my feet and cankles – yuck, I know, but it’s life and if I don’t overshare, who’s going to?

So here goes – some frank talk (but no gross pictures, promise), a little bit of whining and a solution or two… CONTINUE READING >>

Yup, it’s time for another women “of a certain age” post from me. So far I’ve overshared about stray hairs, arm flaps, botox, and mammograms – so why stop now, right?

This time it’s about my feet and cankles – yuck, I know, but it’s life and if I don’t overshare, who’s going to?

So here goes – some frank talk (but no gross pictures, promise), a little bit of whining and a solution or two… CONTINUE READING >>