Green Gables: Bringing My Childhood Imagination to Life

Laura of Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Anne of Green Gables were my closest literary companions in childhood.

There was something about these girls’ feistiness and spirit that sparked “the scope of my imagination” – a bookwormish preteen girl who spent hour upon hour with her nose stuck in the pages of… CONTINUE READING >> 

Laura of Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Anne of Green Gables were my closest literary companions in childhood.

There was something about these girls’ feistiness and spirit that sparked “the scope of my imagination” – a bookwormish preteen girl who spent hour upon hour with her nose stuck in the pages of… CONTINUE READING >> 

What Happened to the Evening News?

I know, I know, I risk sounding like a get-off-my-lawn old guy, but seriously, the network news just ain’t what it used to be. In fact, a good bit of it isn’t even what I would call news.

I’m not talking about the feel good human interest pieces, those have always been a part of journalism, but when did viral videos become news? It seems that anytime I have a chance to tune into the news, I get treated to the latest YouTube sensation. Since when did cute cats, talking babies and folks getting hit in the nuts become fare that rivals the important events of the day?

Add that to the… CONTINUE READING >>

I know, I know, I risk sounding like a get-off-my-lawn old guy, but seriously, the network news just ain’t what it used to be. In fact, a good bit of it isn’t even what I would call news.

I’m not talking about the feel good human interest pieces, those have always been a part of journalism, but when did viral videos become news? It seems that anytime I have a chance to tune into the news, I get treated to the latest YouTube sensation. Since when did cute cats, talking babies and folks getting hit in the nuts become fare that rivals the important events of the day?

Add that to the… CONTINUE READING >>

60 Years of Marriage: A Gift My Parents Gave Me

This week our family is celebrating a remarkable event, my parent’s sixtieth wedding anniversary. Only an extraordinary mixture of love, trust, faith, hard work, and — yes — luck could have made this event possible.

I’m not going to attempt to analyze the inner workings of how a union can not only survive, but thrive over six decades, I am simply going to offer thanks.

More than gratitude for the care and security that I received, although that too often goes unspoken, I want to particularly express how grateful I am forCONTINUE READING >> 

This week our family is celebrating a remarkable event, my parent’s sixtieth wedding anniversary. Only an extraordinary mixture of love, trust, faith, hard work, and — yes — luck could have made this event possible.

I’m not going to attempt to analyze the inner workings of how a union can not only survive, but thrive over six decades, I am simply going to offer thanks.

More than gratitude for the care and security that I received, although that too often goes unspoken, I want to particularly express how grateful I am forCONTINUE READING >> 

Hey Mr. Spaceman!

For many of us the moon landing in July 1969 holds a prominent place in our memories. The scratchy black & white images are burned indelibly into our minds. We were children of The Space Age. We drank Tang, ate Space Food Sticks, watched The Jetsons and dreamed of Jeannie.

This made our visit to The John F. Kennedy Space Center on Florida’s Space Coast as much a trip down memory lane as an exploration of current… CONTINUE READING >>

For many of us the moon landing in July 1969 holds a prominent place in our memories. The scratchy black & white images are burned indelibly into our minds. We were children of The Space Age. We drank Tang, ate Space Food Sticks, watched The Jetsons and dreamed of Jeannie.

This made our visit to The John F. Kennedy Space Center on Florida’s Space Coast as much a trip down memory lane as an exploration of current… CONTINUE READING >>

A NASA Engineer Talks Neil Armstrong & Early Computers

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NASA engineer Roy Whitson was ready, willing and able to answer any questions that we could throw at him! He told us how Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, nearly botched… CONTINUE READING >>

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NASA engineer Roy Whitson was ready, willing and able to answer any questions that we could throw at him! He told us how Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, nearly botched… CONTINUE READING >>

GypsyNesters on the Radio!

Get the GypsyNester story!

We joined Jill and Claudia over at Empty Nester Radio and had a BLAST.

Listen in as we answer these great questions:

How did you become known as the GypsyNesters?

What did your kids say when you told them of your plans?

Do you have… CONTINUE READING >>

Get the GypsyNester story!

We joined Jill and Claudia over at Empty Nester Radio and had a BLAST.

Listen in as we answer these great questions:

How did you become known as the GypsyNesters?

What did your kids say when you told them of your plans?

Do you have… CONTINUE READING >>

Facebook and Memory Lane

About a month ago, a thought popped into my head. What ever happened to Tamera? Where did that gangly, sweet and truly unique little girl with the pig tails and big glasses that I went to Junior High with end up? What did she become?

We were the original Valley Girls. We hung out with boys who skateboarded, went to the beach every weekend and said “Like” and “You know” like, way too much, you know? I wonder if Tamera finds it ironic, as I do, when she hears today’s college girls speaking like this, while most of us old school Valley Girls don’t anymore? Actually, I’ve managed to completely kill off the “likes,” but the “you knows” keep sneaking in… CONTINUE READING >>

About a month ago, a thought popped into my head. What ever happened to Tamera? Where did that gangly, sweet and truly unique little girl with the pig tails and big glasses that I went to Junior High with end up? What did she become?

We were the original Valley Girls. We hung out with boys who skateboarded, went to the beach every weekend and said “Like” and “You know” like, way too much, you know? I wonder if Tamera finds it ironic, as I do, when she hears today’s college girls speaking like this, while most of us old school Valley Girls don’t anymore? Actually, I’ve managed to completely kill off the “likes,” but the “you knows” keep sneaking in… CONTINUE READING >>