Are 4K TVs Worth the Upgrade?

If you’re someone who values unparalleled clarity, has access to 4K content, and perhaps is a gaming enthusiast like Alex, 4K TVs could be a worthy upgrade…


If you’re someone who values unparalleled clarity, has access to 4K content, and perhaps is a gaming enthusiast like Alex, 4K TVs could be a worthy upgrade…


How We Use the Internet While Overseas (without going broke!)

How we get Internet access while on the road is probably the most common question we are asked.

Internet access is much easier to find now than it was when we started this crazy life we lead.

When we’re in the States, we have service with us all the time because our smartphone creates its own hotspot.

But overseas, it’s a whole different enchilada… CONTINUE READING > > 


How we get Internet access while on the road is probably the most common question we are asked.

Internet access is much easier to find now than it was when we started this crazy life we lead.

When we’re in the States, we have service with us all the time because our smartphone creates its own hotspot.

But overseas, it’s a whole different enchilada… CONTINUE READING > > 


How We Stay in Touch With Loved Ones While Traveling

We’re often asked how we stay in touch with our adult kids as we travel.

Yes, our phone conversations with family and friends almost always begin with the question, Where are you guys?

Honestly, in the days before cell phones and the internet, we’re not sure how anyone would have been able to stay connected while leading the lifestyle we’ve chosen… CONTINUE READING >>

We’re often asked how we stay in touch with our adult kids as we travel.

Yes, our phone conversations with family and friends almost always begin with the question, Where are you guys?

Honestly, in the days before cell phones and the internet, we’re not sure how anyone would have been able to stay connected while leading the lifestyle we’ve chosen… CONTINUE READING >>

The Ultimate Baby Boomer & Empty Nester Gift Guide!

Ah, the holidays are upon us, and as sure as the season’s first chills — and the smell of turkey fills the air — the madness of Black Friday cannot be far behind.

Your thoughtful GypsyNesters want to save everyone a trip through the horrifying madness that goes on at the mall this time of year by sharing this hand-dandy gift guide!

We gathered up all of our don’t leave home without them travel items — along with cheeky and fun presents for baby boomers and empty nesters of all walks of life — and put them all together so you can shop without ever leaving the comfort of your festively decorated house… SEE ALL OF OUR SPECTACULAR GIFT SUGGESTIONS! >>

Ah, the holidays are upon us, and as sure as the season’s first chills — and the smell of turkey fills the air — the madness of Black Friday cannot be far behind.

Your thoughtful GypsyNesters want to save everyone a trip through the horrifying madness that goes on at the mall this time of year by sharing this hand-dandy gift guide!

We gathered up all of our don’t leave home without them travel items — along with cheeky and fun presents for baby boomers and empty nesters of all walks of life — and put them all together so you can shop without ever leaving the comfort of your festively decorated house… SEE ALL OF OUR SPECTACULAR GIFT SUGGESTIONS! >>

Win a TravelCard – Never Let Your Phone Run out of Juice on the Fly Again!

Do you ever need a little boost?

We sure do!

What if you could get five hours of extra talk time on your phone from a charger that fits in your wallet?

Two lucky winners won a TravelCard Phone Charger from your very generous GypsyNesters!.. CONTINUE READING and see who won! >>

Do you ever need a little boost?

We sure do!

What if you could get five hours of extra talk time on your phone from a charger that fits in your wallet?

Two lucky winners won a TravelCard Phone Charger from your very generous GypsyNesters!.. CONTINUE READING and see who won! >>

Safety at Sea: What the newest cruise ships are implementing

Cruising has received a bit of a black eye lately and, with the recent highly-publicized events at sea, it’s not surprising. Only a tiny percentage of voyages become nightmares, but it only takes a few for an entire industry to take a blow.

The new Safe Return to Port requirement has been newly implemented in the hopes that these sorts of mishaps will be a thing of the past. Simply stated, the rule is that any vessel must be able to… CONTINUE READING >> 

Cruising has received a bit of a black eye lately and, with the recent highly-publicized events at sea, it’s not surprising. Only a tiny percentage of voyages become nightmares, but it only takes a few for an entire industry to take a blow.

The new Safe Return to Port requirement has been newly implemented in the hopes that these sorts of mishaps will be a thing of the past. Simply stated, the rule is that any vessel must be able to… CONTINUE READING >> 

A Tale of Two Flights

It was the best of planes, it was the worst of planes, that was our feeling after spending nearly thirty hours on two non-stop flights.

The first one, United flight 895, from Chicago to Hong Kong clocked in at sixteen hours. Back when… CONTINUE READING >> 

It was the best of planes, it was the worst of planes, that was our feeling after spending nearly thirty hours on two non-stop flights.

The first one, United flight 895, from Chicago to Hong Kong clocked in at sixteen hours. Back when… CONTINUE READING >> 

12 Things We Told Our NYC Girls to Prepare for Frankenstorm

We have two daughters living on Manhattan, right in the path of Frankenstorm. After years of living in the Caribbean we have some valuable tips to give them. Though being over-prepared may make them feel stupid, it can also save their lives.

Please share these with your urban loved ones in the path of the Hurricane Sandy.

1. Fill up your bathtubCONTINUE READING >> 

We have two daughters living on Manhattan, right in the path of Frankenstorm. After years of living in the Caribbean we have some valuable tips to give them. Though being over-prepared may make them feel stupid, it can also save their lives.

Please share these with your urban loved ones in the path of the Hurricane Sandy.

1. Fill up your bathtubCONTINUE READING >>