The Ultimate Baby Boomer & Empty Nester Gift Guide!

Ah, the holidays are upon us, and as sure as the season’s first chills — and the smell of turkey fills the air — the madness of Black Friday cannot be far behind.

Your thoughtful GypsyNesters want to save everyone a trip through the horrifying madness that goes on at the mall this time of year by sharing this hand-dandy gift guide!

We gathered up all of our don’t leave home without them travel items — along with cheeky and fun presents for baby boomers and empty nesters of all walks of life — and put them all together so you can shop without ever leaving the comfort of your festively decorated house… SEE ALL OF OUR SPECTACULAR GIFT SUGGESTIONS! >>

Ah, the holidays are upon us, and as sure as the season’s first chills — and the smell of turkey fills the air — the madness of Black Friday cannot be far behind.

Your thoughtful GypsyNesters want to save everyone a trip through the horrifying madness that goes on at the mall this time of year by sharing this hand-dandy gift guide!

We gathered up all of our don’t leave home without them travel items — along with cheeky and fun presents for baby boomers and empty nesters of all walks of life — and put them all together so you can shop without ever leaving the comfort of your festively decorated house… SEE ALL OF OUR SPECTACULAR GIFT SUGGESTIONS! >>

Fear Conquering & Climbing My First Mountain on My 52nd Birthday

We were going to hike up a mountain, The Boy said. Not climb, hike.

Or maybe that’s what I chose to hear. Certainly, The Boy is aware of my age and the limitations thereof.

He wouldn’t be trying to kill me on my birthday, would he?

(photo taken right before things went terribly awry)… CONTINUE READING >>

We were going to hike up a mountain, The Boy said. Not climb, hike.

Or maybe that’s what I chose to hear. Certainly, The Boy is aware of my age and the limitations thereof.

He wouldn’t be trying to kill me on my birthday, would he?

(photo taken right before things went terribly awry)… CONTINUE READING >>

Living Like an Empress Dowager at Beijing’s Summer Palace

The Summer Palace lies on the northwest edge of Beijing, China by Kunming Lake, in what used to be countryside.

As the name implies, it was the imperial getaway from summer in the city, but palace only describes a part of this place… CONTINUE READING >>

The Summer Palace lies on the northwest edge of Beijing, China by Kunming Lake, in what used to be countryside.

As the name implies, it was the imperial getaway from summer in the city, but palace only describes a part of this place… CONTINUE READING >>

No Stone Unturned: Foamhenge in Virginia

I have a confession to make. 

About thirty years ago I was in London for several days and didn’t take the short trip outside of town to see Stonehenge.

That’s why I was so thrilled to discover an exact replica made of Styrofoam in Virginia – how could we not veer off the side of the road?.. CONTINUE READING >>

I have a confession to make. 

About thirty years ago I was in London for several days and didn’t take the short trip outside of town to see Stonehenge.

That’s why I was so thrilled to discover an exact replica made of Styrofoam in Virginia – how could we not veer off the side of the road?.. CONTINUE READING >>

Riding the Fastest Train in the World

Ever think it might be fun to levitate?

That’s just fantasy stuff, right? The kind of thing we only see in movies, or magic shows. Not true.

There is a place where floating in midair, and doing it at 200 miles per hour, is not only possible, it happens every day… CONTINUE READING >> 

Ever think it might be fun to levitate?

That’s just fantasy stuff, right? The kind of thing we only see in movies, or magic shows. Not true.

There is a place where floating in midair, and doing it at 200 miles per hour, is not only possible, it happens every day… CONTINUE READING >> 

How to Make Your Mother-in-law Love You Forever

I have known my mother-in-law since I was eighteen-years old.

Now, as a wise woman with over half a century behind me, I can reflect back on our relationship and see things with the clarity and compassion of 20/20 hindsight.

Yeah, right. I haven’t seen anything 20/20 in decades.

We’ve had our ups and downs, like any… CONTINUE READING >>

I have known my mother-in-law since I was eighteen-years old.

Now, as a wise woman with over half a century behind me, I can reflect back on our relationship and see things with the clarity and compassion of 20/20 hindsight.

Yeah, right. I haven’t seen anything 20/20 in decades.

We’ve had our ups and downs, like any… CONTINUE READING >>

So I Broke Down and Tried Botox (please don’t judge me!)

I’m a squinter. Always have been. My Grandma used to caution me, “Quit doing that – your face will freeze that way!”

In my twenties, David would affectionately tease me about my “worry line.” He would always know when something was amiss, all he had to do was look between my eyes.

Fast forward thirty (or so) years and, still, I squint on. The squinting’s worst when I’m writing – I don’t even realized I’m doing it.

And Grandma was right, my face… CONTINUE READING >> 

I’m a squinter. Always have been. My Grandma used to caution me, “Quit doing that – your face will freeze that way!”

In my twenties, David would affectionately tease me about my “worry line.” He would always know when something was amiss, all he had to do was look between my eyes.

Fast forward thirty (or so) years and, still, I squint on. The squinting’s worst when I’m writing – I don’t even realized I’m doing it.

And Grandma was right, my face… CONTINUE READING >> 

Racing our RV Around Watkins Glen International Speedway!

This could possibly be the most hysterically dumb thing we’ve ever done (and this is saying a lot!) ,.. See the whole story here or enlarge video

This could possibly be the most hysterically dumb thing we’ve ever done (and this is saying a lot!) ,.. See the whole story here or enlarge video