Feeding Hungry Crocs in Australia!

There’s no rush in the world like being on the business end of a hungry croc’s mouth. Less than a second ticks by – from leaping reptile to the other-worldly SNAP! as enormous jaws slam shut… Read the whole, crazy adventure here!

There’s no rush in the world like being on the business end of a hungry croc’s mouth. Less than a second ticks by – from leaping reptile to the other-worldly SNAP! as enormous jaws slam shut… Read the whole, crazy adventure here!

The GypsyNesters Get Married! The Story of Our Goofy Wedding

We wanted a small wedding – and thank God it was! Honestly, David wouldn’t have made it through otherwise. Just look at the body language! Have you EVER seen a more uncomfortable groom?

We wanted a small wedding – and thank God it was! Honestly, David wouldn’t have made it through otherwise. Just look at the body language! Have you EVER seen a more uncomfortable groom?

Fear Conquering & Climbing My First Mountain on My 52nd Birthday

We were going to hike up a mountain, The Boy said. Not climb, hike.

Or maybe that’s what I chose to hear. Certainly, The Boy is aware of my age and the limitations thereof.

He wouldn’t be trying to kill me on my birthday, would he?

(photo taken right before things went terribly awry)… CONTINUE READING >>

We were going to hike up a mountain, The Boy said. Not climb, hike.

Or maybe that’s what I chose to hear. Certainly, The Boy is aware of my age and the limitations thereof.

He wouldn’t be trying to kill me on my birthday, would he?

(photo taken right before things went terribly awry)… CONTINUE READING >>

Fear Conquering & Gliding in a Sailplane

Considering that I have now jumped out of an airplane at 10,000 feet in Australia and paraglided off the sea cliffs of Lima, Peru, one would think that I would have no fear of sailplaning.

And I didn’t. Until I did.

I had about three-week’s notice before… CONTINUE READING >>

Considering that I have now jumped out of an airplane at 10,000 feet in Australia and paraglided off the sea cliffs of Lima, Peru, one would think that I would have no fear of sailplaning.

And I didn’t. Until I did.

I had about three-week’s notice before… CONTINUE READING >>

Veronica Glides in a Sailplane over New York State!

An unbelievably beautiful experience. And, yes, also scary. Of course, Veronica gets in her usual goofy “fear questions” between gasps and panic peeps… See the whole story here >>

An unbelievably beautiful experience. And, yes, also scary. Of course, Veronica gets in her usual goofy “fear questions” between gasps and panic peeps… See the whole story here >>

So I Broke Down and Tried Botox (please don’t judge me!)

I’m a squinter. Always have been. My Grandma used to caution me, “Quit doing that – your face will freeze that way!”

In my twenties, David would affectionately tease me about my “worry line.” He would always know when something was amiss, all he had to do was look between my eyes.

Fast forward thirty (or so) years and, still, I squint on. The squinting’s worst when I’m writing – I don’t even realized I’m doing it.

And Grandma was right, my face… CONTINUE READING >> 

I’m a squinter. Always have been. My Grandma used to caution me, “Quit doing that – your face will freeze that way!”

In my twenties, David would affectionately tease me about my “worry line.” He would always know when something was amiss, all he had to do was look between my eyes.

Fast forward thirty (or so) years and, still, I squint on. The squinting’s worst when I’m writing – I don’t even realized I’m doing it.

And Grandma was right, my face… CONTINUE READING >> 

Fear Conquering & Skydiving Over Queensland

Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane has become one of those ultimate bucket list items.

Like living to 120 years old or climbing Mount Everest.

Of the three, the most feasible to me was the jump.

Which turned out to be a bit odd, because there was no… CONTINUE READING >>

Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane has become one of those ultimate bucket list items.

Like living to 120 years old or climbing Mount Everest.

Of the three, the most feasible to me was the jump.

Which turned out to be a bit odd, because there was no… CONTINUE READING >>

Veronica Gives Skydiving a Go!

Who knew nostrils could stretch so far? Watch as Veronica “jumps” from 10,000 feet over what has to be the most beautiful place to “fly”!… Read the whole, crazy adventure here! or enlarge video>>

Who knew nostrils could stretch so far? Watch as Veronica “jumps” from 10,000 feet over what has to be the most beautiful place to “fly”!… Read the whole, crazy adventure here! or enlarge video>>