Talkin’ Turkey: What Travel Taught Us About the First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is upon us. Cue the pictures of cheery Pilgrims supping with the friendly natives and images of The Mayflower triumphantly landing at Plymouth Rock.
Ah yes, all of that happy history we were taught as baby boomer children… and almost none of it is true….

Thanksgiving is upon us. Cue the pictures of cheery Pilgrims supping with the friendly natives and images of The Mayflower triumphantly landing at Plymouth Rock.
Ah yes, all of that happy history we were taught as baby boomer children… and almost none of it is true….

We Had Our Minds Blown at Chichén-Itzá in Mexico

Continuing with Native American Heritage Month, and as a reminder that Native American doesn’t only mean in the United States, we revisit our trip to Chichén-Itzá…

Continuing with Native American Heritage Month, and as a reminder that Native American doesn’t only mean in the United States, we revisit our trip to Chichén-Itzá…

Utterly Unexpected Palo Duro Canyon

It isn’t hard to keep your social distance out on the lone prairie, in fact it might be harder to find someone to get too close to. Still, there are some big surprises and here’s one of the biggest! Out of nowhere the Texas prairie drops one thousand feet down into the second largest canyon in the United States. CONTINUE READING >> 

It isn’t hard to keep your social distance out on the lone prairie, in fact it might be harder to find someone to get too close to. Still, there are some big surprises and here’s one of the biggest! Out of nowhere the Texas prairie drops one thousand feet down into the second largest canyon in the United States. CONTINUE READING >> 

The Ancient Mayan Ruins at Tulum, Mexico

Tulum is not the kind of place that even the most wandering GypsyNesting-type will stumble upon by accident. It’s not on the way to anywhere. But since we found ourselves on the Caribbean coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, what’s known as the Riviera Maya, we hopped on a bus to the ancient Mayan site. We wanted to enjoy both a … CONTINUE READING >>
Tulum is not the kind of place that even the most wandering GypsyNesting-type will stumble upon by accident. It’s not on the way to anywhere. But since we found ourselves on the Caribbean coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, what’s known as the Riviera Maya, we hopped on a bus to the ancient Mayan site. We wanted to enjoy both a … CONTINUE READING >>

THIS is Plymouth Rock?

With Thanksgiving just a week away we take a look back at the history that brought us our favorite holiday.
Turns out that almost everything we were taught in grade school about the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving was a complete fairy tale.

With Thanksgiving just a week away we take a look back at the history that brought us our favorite holiday.
Turns out that almost everything we were taught in grade school about the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving was a complete fairy tale.

Big Heads, Badlands & Bear Claws

After the seemingly endless trek across the windswept northern prairie, the landscape suddenly changes. On second thought, suddenly hardly describes it.

Abruptly, immediately, instantaneously the topography dramatically goes from flat grassland besieged with billboards to the spectacularly gnarled Badlands.

Out of nowhere the South Dakota plains give way to layers of soft shale, clay and limestone that wear away at a rate of about an inch a year… CONTINUE READING >>

After the seemingly endless trek across the windswept northern prairie, the landscape suddenly changes. On second thought, suddenly hardly describes it.

Abruptly, immediately, instantaneously the topography dramatically goes from flat grassland besieged with billboards to the spectacularly gnarled Badlands.

Out of nowhere the South Dakota plains give way to layers of soft shale, clay and limestone that wear away at a rate of about an inch a year… CONTINUE READING >>

Only by Air: Alaska’s Extremely Remote Tundra Villages

Ever since our youngest, The Boy, took a job as a pilot in Alaska we have been intrigued by the unique corner of Alaska that his small airline serves.

He flies to about two dozen little native villages that are only accessible by air – there are no roads in or out of the harsh tundra.

These are some of the most remote settlements anywhere in the United StatesCONTINUE READING >>

Ever since our youngest, The Boy, took a job as a pilot in Alaska we have been intrigued by the unique corner of Alaska that his small airline serves.

He flies to about two dozen little native villages that are only accessible by air – there are no roads in or out of the harsh tundra.

These are some of the most remote settlements anywhere in the United StatesCONTINUE READING >>

Following in the Footsteps of the Ancestral Puebloans

I think it is safe to say that most of us didn’t know that there were skilled builders creating impressive, sophisticated, enormous stone structures right here in North America over a thousand years ago…

I think it is safe to say that most of us didn’t know that there were skilled builders creating impressive, sophisticated, enormous stone structures right here in North America over a thousand years ago…