We came to Wyoming to see the world’s first National Park. Permanently set aside in 1872, Yellowstone is home to two-thirds of all the geysers in the world…
Permanently set aside in 1872, Yellowstone is home to two-thirds of all the geysers in the world…
We came to Wyoming to see the world’s first National Park. Permanently set aside in 1872, Yellowstone is home to two-thirds of all the geysers in the world…
Permanently set aside in 1872, Yellowstone is home to two-thirds of all the geysers in the world…

We hitched our wagon in Tombstone, Arizona and had a rip-roaring time! A reenactment of the Gunfight at OK Corral, a historama narrated by Vincent Price (sounds like the “Thriller” Video!), Boothill Cemetery (No Les, No More ) and a night of music and authentic frontier gibberish at Big Nose Kate’s Saloon…

We hitched our wagon in Tombstone, Arizona and had a rip-roaring time! A reenactment of the Gunfight at OK Corral, a historama narrated by Vincent Price (sounds like the “Thriller” Video!), Boothill Cemetery (No Les, No More ) and a night of music and authentic frontier gibberish at Big Nose Kate’s Saloon…
All of these extraordinary expeditions offer the opportunity to see the USA while still maintaining safe social distancing. Looks like that will be the way to travel in 2020.
We all recall those glorious days of yesteryear with the station wagon packed to the gills, miles of billboard bingo, and endless Are we there yet?s.
Whether we were the kids, or when we had the kids, those memories are an indelible part of our American summers. Guess what? Those intrepid explorations don’t have to end just because the offspring have moved out… CONTINUE READING >>
All of these extraordinary expeditions offer the opportunity to see the USA while still maintaining safe social distancing. Looks like that will be the way to travel in 2020.
We all recall those glorious days of yesteryear with the station wagon packed to the gills, miles of billboard bingo, and endless Are we there yet?s.
Whether we were the kids, or when we had the kids, those memories are an indelible part of our American summers. Guess what? Those intrepid explorations don’t have to end just because the offspring have moved out… CONTINUE READING >>

Join your GypsyNesters aboard Amtrak’s iconic Empire Builder as we head through a winter wonderland in luxury!
See Glacier National Park out the huge windows of the Sightseer Lounge, celebrate Veronica’s visit to her 48th state over crab cakes (for breakfast!) in the dining car, share a fun-filled wine and cheese tasting, and enjoy tours of our sleeper car and all the fabulous amenities that you never knew Amtrak provided! … CONTINUE READING >>

Join your GypsyNesters aboard Amtrak’s iconic Empire Builder as we head through a winter wonderland in luxury!
See Glacier National Park out the huge windows of the Sightseer Lounge, celebrate Veronica’s visit to her 48th state over crab cakes (for breakfast!) in the dining car, share a fun-filled wine and cheese tasting, and enjoy tours of our sleeper car and all the fabulous amenities that you never knew Amtrak provided! … CONTINUE READING >>

Whitefish, Montana! A quirky, friendly little town with a great sense of humor, a fabulous microbrewery, and some of the most incredible scenery in the world!
Join us as we head into Glacier National Park in the snow and dog sled (!!!) through the breathtaking Stillwater State Forest with goofy grins pasted on our faces… CONTINUE READING >>

Whitefish, Montana! A quirky, friendly little town with a great sense of humor, a fabulous microbrewery, and some of the most incredible scenery in the world!
Join us as we head into Glacier National Park in the snow and dog sled (!!!) through the breathtaking Stillwater State Forest with goofy grins pasted on our faces… CONTINUE READING >>

After the seemingly endless trek across the windswept northern prairie, the landscape suddenly changes. On second thought, suddenly hardly describes it.
Abruptly, immediately, instantaneously the topography dramatically goes from flat grassland besieged with billboards to the spectacularly gnarled Badlands.
Out of nowhere the South Dakota plains give way to layers of soft shale, clay and limestone that wear away at a rate of about an inch a year… CONTINUE READING >>

After the seemingly endless trek across the windswept northern prairie, the landscape suddenly changes. On second thought, suddenly hardly describes it.
Abruptly, immediately, instantaneously the topography dramatically goes from flat grassland besieged with billboards to the spectacularly gnarled Badlands.
Out of nowhere the South Dakota plains give way to layers of soft shale, clay and limestone that wear away at a rate of about an inch a year… CONTINUE READING >>
It is possible to set foot in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico all at once. However, the nearby attractions may be even cooler than the meeting of these four states… CONTINUE READING >>
It is possible to set foot in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico all at once. However, the nearby attractions may be even cooler than the meeting of these four states… CONTINUE READING >>

Out of nowhere, the South Dakota plains give way to The Badlands – layers of soft shale, clay and limestone that wear away at a rate of about an inch a year leaving stunning silhouettes and fanciful formations…

Out of nowhere, the South Dakota plains give way to The Badlands – layers of soft shale, clay and limestone that wear away at a rate of about an inch a year leaving stunning silhouettes and fanciful formations…