The cutest, sweetest sea lion video ever! A lost baby and mother find each other and kiss hello!
For more great Galapagos sea lion footage (and find out how to tell the difference between a sea lion and a seal)!
David & Veronica,
Click here for our entire live-blog of our adventure in The
Delve deeper:
See the incredible work done at Giant Tortoise Breeding Center
Check out the landscape of The Galapagos
Cavort with Sea Lions!
The Birds of The Galapagos – wild!
The Underwater World of The Galapagos
People live in the Galapagos?
Our tips for visiting The Galapagos Islands – including what to pack
YOUR TURN: Are The Galapagos Islands on YOUR bucket list? Have we inspired you to go?
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Cute! They are so playful! 🙂