Storming the Hohensalzburg Castle

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Nowadays there is an electric cable railway, or funicular, to take people up the rocky face of the mountain. It’s glass encased and goes STRAIGHT… CONTINUE READING >>

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Nowadays there is an electric cable railway, or funicular, to take people up the rocky face of the mountain. It’s glass encased and goes STRAIGHT… CONTINUE READING >>

Fountains of Wangen im Allgäu

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Perhaps the most unique attribute of Wangen is its fountains. There are several well preserved hold-outs from centuries past, but the stars of the show… CONTINUE READING >>

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Perhaps the most unique attribute of Wangen is its fountains. There are several well preserved hold-outs from centuries past, but the stars of the show… CONTINUE READING >>

Video – How to Volunteer at a National Park

Kay, a veteran parks volunteer – and fellow GypsyNester – discusses how to apply, where one lives at the parks, what is expected of volunteers and, most importantly… CONTINUE READING >>

Kay, a veteran parks volunteer – and fellow GypsyNester – discusses how to apply, where one lives at the parks, what is expected of volunteers and, most importantly… CONTINUE READING >>

Lost in Prague – A Driving Lesson

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This was the first time we had to attempt to “bleep” cussing in a video! Hope it worked!

Ever been lost in a big city? How about a city with crazy… CONTINUE READING >>

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This was the first time we had to attempt to “bleep” cussing in a video! Hope it worked!

Ever been lost in a big city? How about a city with crazy… CONTINUE READING >>