Un-nesting. Could it be Blissfully Real?

I’m constantly searching for material that dispels my internal anti-mantra, “You are a bad mommy. You shouldn’t be so happy that your children have left the nest. You are a bad…” In my latest frantic search, I came across a theory that I love. Un-nesting.

Suzanne Koven, M.D. writes in her post for Psychology Today entitled “The Un-Nesting Instinct”:

Celia’s story started out sounding pretty familiar-a cliché almost. She was fiftyish and going through menopause and, in addition to the weight gain and hot flashes, she found herself irritable and sad. Her children, she told me, were a particular source of sadness. “You mean because they’re growing up, moving away?” I asked. ‘No,’ answered Celia, ‘Because they’reCONTINUE READING >>

I’m constantly searching for material that dispels my internal anti-mantra, “You are a bad mommy. You shouldn’t be so happy that your children have left the nest. You are a bad…” In my latest frantic search, I came across a theory that I love. Un-nesting.

Suzanne Koven, M.D. writes in her post for Psychology Today entitled “The Un-Nesting Instinct”:

Celia’s story started out sounding pretty familiar-a cliché almost. She was fiftyish and going through menopause and, in addition to the weight gain and hot flashes, she found herself irritable and sad. Her children, she told me, were a particular source of sadness. “You mean because they’re growing up, moving away?” I asked. ‘No,’ answered Celia, ‘Because they’reCONTINUE READING >>

No, We Won’t Buy You a…

Our main goal as parents was to end up with happy, healthy, self-sufficient adults.

We can’t tell anyone how to do this — everyone’s different and Lord knows we made our share of mistakes along the way — but we can offer an insight that we’ve gained through our own offspring’s transitions from childhood to adulthood.

Don’t give kids everything they want, just everything they need.

A whole lot of what they want is stupid crap and… CONTINUE READING >>

Our main goal as parents was to end up with happy, healthy, self-sufficient adults.

We can’t tell anyone how to do this — everyone’s different and Lord knows we made our share of mistakes along the way — but we can offer an insight that we’ve gained through our own offspring’s transitions from childhood to adulthood.

Don’t give kids everything they want, just everything they need.

A whole lot of what they want is stupid crap and… CONTINUE READING >>

Empty Nest Egg

Where did you live when you were first starting out? I’ll bet it wasn’t quite the Taj Mahal.

Our first place was a one bedroom, former screened-in porch that had all the weather proofing of the average wiffle ball. It was a veritable private zoo of insect vermin — and we were glad to have it. We were proud and happy to be on our own.

Who are we to deny our offspring those same pleasures?CONTINUE READING >>

Where did you live when you were first starting out? I’ll bet it wasn’t quite the Taj Mahal.

Our first place was a one bedroom, former screened-in porch that had all the weather proofing of the average wiffle ball. It was a veritable private zoo of insect vermin — and we were glad to have it. We were proud and happy to be on our own.

Who are we to deny our offspring those same pleasures?CONTINUE READING >>

How To Travel Abroad Without A Companion

Traveling abroad offers innumerable benefits, but most people would not dare doing it alone. However, it perfectly okay to travel overseas by yourself if you are fully prepared to do so. CONTINUE READING >> 

Traveling abroad offers innumerable benefits, but most people would not dare doing it alone. However, it perfectly okay to travel overseas by yourself if you are fully prepared to do so. CONTINUE READING >> 

Online Paper Writer Test to Find Out What Kind of Writer are You

Most people will agree to the fact that writing is one of the most sought after skills in the blogosphere today. In fact, it is what makes a difference between high-traffic blog and one that is hardly visited. CONTINUE READING >> 

Most people will agree to the fact that writing is one of the most sought after skills in the blogosphere today. In fact, it is what makes a difference between high-traffic blog and one that is hardly visited. CONTINUE READING >> 

How To Get the Best Travel Deals Even Last Minute

Traveling is a luxury that most people love, but it’s not without its costs. Traveling the world can be expensive, but if you know where to look and how to search for deals, you can find some great ones… CONTINUE READING >> 

Traveling is a luxury that most people love, but it’s not without its costs. Traveling the world can be expensive, but if you know where to look and how to search for deals, you can find some great ones… CONTINUE READING >> 

Beijing – Forbidden No More

For those of us who grew up in the “eat your vegetables, there are starving kids in China” era, visiting Beijing really seemed like a trip into a forbidden city. Back then the city was known… CONTINUE READING >>

For those of us who grew up in the “eat your vegetables, there are starving kids in China” era, visiting Beijing really seemed like a trip into a forbidden city. Back then the city was known… CONTINUE READING >>