Empty Nest Antidote: A Full Life

Check us out! We landed on the front page of Huffington Post 50!

The Huffington Post Ann Brenoff

They are the anti-empty nesters. When David and Veronica James’ last child left for college, they metaphorically stripped down to their underwear and did a happy dance. Job done; case closed; new life chapter about to be written.

Today, they are best-known as the Gypsy Nesters — the married-for-almost-three-decades couple who gave up their brick-and-mortar home for a virtual home on the road. They are semi-retired boomers who roam the globe full-time, approaching each day as an adventure and celebrating the freedom of being unshackled from the responsibilities of parenthood.

Their motto: Our only plan is to not have a plan.

The Jameses see themselves as both… CONTINUE READING >>

Check us out! We landed on the front page of Huffington Post 50!

The Huffington Post Ann Brenoff

They are the anti-empty nesters. When David and Veronica James’ last child left for college, they metaphorically stripped down to their underwear and did a happy dance. Job done; case closed; new life chapter about to be written.

Today, they are best-known as the Gypsy Nesters — the married-for-almost-three-decades couple who gave up their brick-and-mortar home for a virtual home on the road. They are semi-retired boomers who roam the globe full-time, approaching each day as an adventure and celebrating the freedom of being unshackled from the responsibilities of parenthood.

Their motto: Our only plan is to not have a plan.

The Jameses see themselves as both… CONTINUE READING >>

2012. A Year for Smiles

My New Year resolution is to make everyone I come in contact with smile. You are forewarned. I WILL crack you.

Sharing smiles with strangers has long been a personal philosophy of mine, at times to the occasional chagrin of David and the embarrassment of my former teenaged kids, but this year I want to… CONTINUE READING >>

My New Year resolution is to make everyone I come in contact with smile. You are forewarned. I WILL crack you.

Sharing smiles with strangers has long been a personal philosophy of mine, at times to the occasional chagrin of David and the embarrassment of my former teenaged kids, but this year I want to… CONTINUE READING >>

Boomerang “Kid” Econ 101

Economic recovery gets a boost from emptying the nest!

“About 20 million adult children in the U.S. live with their parents, and most are eager to move, says Peter Francese, a demographic analyst for advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather.”

Could kicking out boomerang “kids” pull us out of this recession?

“When people move into a new home, they tend to spend. A typical new… CONTINUE READING >>

Economic recovery gets a boost from emptying the nest!

“About 20 million adult children in the U.S. live with their parents, and most are eager to move, says Peter Francese, a demographic analyst for advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather.”

Could kicking out boomerang “kids” pull us out of this recession?

“When people move into a new home, they tend to spend. A typical new… CONTINUE READING >>

GypsyNesters on the Radio!

Get the GypsyNester story!

We joined Jill and Claudia over at Empty Nester Radio and had a BLAST.

Listen in as we answer these great questions:

How did you become known as the GypsyNesters?

What did your kids say when you told them of your plans?

Do you have… CONTINUE READING >>

Get the GypsyNester story!

We joined Jill and Claudia over at Empty Nester Radio and had a BLAST.

Listen in as we answer these great questions:

How did you become known as the GypsyNesters?

What did your kids say when you told them of your plans?

Do you have… CONTINUE READING >>

What in the World of Warcraft is This Guy Thinking?

One of our readers sent me an email that really touched me:

I am not completely an empty nester unfortunately. My 20 year old son was not able to return to college this fall because of the lack of loans and grants available to him. So now he is doing nothing except for playing the computer game WoW (World of Warcraft) most of his waking hours. He did just purchase a small business that will make him a small living, but I pray he goes back to college. He is very bright and it would be such a waste if he didn’t. –Hannah

Hannah, my heart… CONTINUE READING >>

One of our readers sent me an email that really touched me:

I am not completely an empty nester unfortunately. My 20 year old son was not able to return to college this fall because of the lack of loans and grants available to him. So now he is doing nothing except for playing the computer game WoW (World of Warcraft) most of his waking hours. He did just purchase a small business that will make him a small living, but I pray he goes back to college. He is very bright and it would be such a waste if he didn’t. –Hannah

Hannah, my heart… CONTINUE READING >>