Top Things to Remember When Moving House

Moving anywhere these days can be a trying and stressful experience, and you need to make sure you do what you can to make it as stress-free as possible. Buying a house is a big step in your life, so keep these things in mind before you actually settle on a place to move… CONTINUE READING >> 

Moving anywhere these days can be a trying and stressful experience, and you need to make sure you do what you can to make it as stress-free as possible. Buying a house is a big step in your life, so keep these things in mind before you actually settle on a place to move… CONTINUE READING >> 

Un-nesting. Could it be Blissfully Real?

I’m constantly searching for material that dispels my internal anti-mantra, “You are a bad mommy. You shouldn’t be so happy that your children have left the nest. You are a bad…” In my latest frantic search, I came across a theory that I love. Un-nesting.

Suzanne Koven, M.D. writes in her post for Psychology Today entitled “The Un-Nesting Instinct”:

Celia’s story started out sounding pretty familiar-a cliché almost. She was fiftyish and going through menopause and, in addition to the weight gain and hot flashes, she found herself irritable and sad. Her children, she told me, were a particular source of sadness. “You mean because they’re growing up, moving away?” I asked. ‘No,’ answered Celia, ‘Because they’reCONTINUE READING >>

I’m constantly searching for material that dispels my internal anti-mantra, “You are a bad mommy. You shouldn’t be so happy that your children have left the nest. You are a bad…” In my latest frantic search, I came across a theory that I love. Un-nesting.

Suzanne Koven, M.D. writes in her post for Psychology Today entitled “The Un-Nesting Instinct”:

Celia’s story started out sounding pretty familiar-a cliché almost. She was fiftyish and going through menopause and, in addition to the weight gain and hot flashes, she found herself irritable and sad. Her children, she told me, were a particular source of sadness. “You mean because they’re growing up, moving away?” I asked. ‘No,’ answered Celia, ‘Because they’reCONTINUE READING >>

Empty Nest Egg

Where did you live when you were first starting out? I’ll bet it wasn’t quite the Taj Mahal.

Our first place was a one bedroom, former screened-in porch that had all the weather proofing of the average wiffle ball. It was a veritable private zoo of insect vermin — and we were glad to have it. We were proud and happy to be on our own.

Who are we to deny our offspring those same pleasures?CONTINUE READING >>

Where did you live when you were first starting out? I’ll bet it wasn’t quite the Taj Mahal.

Our first place was a one bedroom, former screened-in porch that had all the weather proofing of the average wiffle ball. It was a veritable private zoo of insect vermin — and we were glad to have it. We were proud and happy to be on our own.

Who are we to deny our offspring those same pleasures?CONTINUE READING >>

5 Reasons to Build a Really Small House

You’ve probably heard of the tiny house craze. In fact, building your own home, but building it really small, might be just what you’re looking for. Without further ado, here are five reasons to build a really small house… CONTINUE READING >> 

You’ve probably heard of the tiny house craze. In fact, building your own home, but building it really small, might be just what you’re looking for. Without further ado, here are five reasons to build a really small house… CONTINUE READING >> 

Maintaining Your Property Expands Value

If you’ve chosen a well-built home in a good neighborhood, and you do your best to maintain that home, there’s a high likelihood it will increase in value… CONTINUE READING >> 

If you’ve chosen a well-built home in a good neighborhood, and you do your best to maintain that home, there’s a high likelihood it will increase in value… CONTINUE READING >> 

Delve Deeper: Tags

Tips for Smart Living

Smart living does not only refer to a frugal lifestyle. It also means adapting ways that will add tranquility and convenience to your life. Here are some smart tips that you need to know… CONTINUE READING >> 

Smart living does not only refer to a frugal lifestyle. It also means adapting ways that will add tranquility and convenience to your life. Here are some smart tips that you need to know… CONTINUE READING >> 

The Butterworth Center and Deere-Wiman House in Moline, Illinois

This was the home of John Deere’s son Charles, who followed his father as head of the company.

Each room was more amazing than the next, but it was the library that made our jaws hit the floor… CONTINUE READING >> 

This was the home of John Deere’s son Charles, who followed his father as head of the company.

Each room was more amazing than the next, but it was the library that made our jaws hit the floor… CONTINUE READING >>