It was once the case that pursuing a degree meant upping sticks and anchoring oneself down to the city nearest to whatever university would take you. Now, however, online universities have matured and are a perfectly valid way of pursuing a bona fide qualification that will open doors in the same way a traditional university degree does. Online degrees are now not only much more reputable than they once were, they also remain a good deal cheaper than attending a physical university meaning that they are something one can pursue for pleasure for a reasonable price.
If you are preparing to travel, then have you considered taking an online course on the road? Equally, if you’re taking an online course have you considered packing it up and taking it with you somewhere? Both groups could benefit from combining their education with adventure.
It Will Open Your Mind
It is said that travel broadens the mind, and this is very true. In fact, the experience of traveling opens us to new experiences and ideas; a perfect mindset for learning. Science is an area of study particularly well suited to the more adventurous. The celebrated British naturalist, Gerald Durrell, wrote a number of books based on his travels with his family and the observations he made about the wildlife he encountered. He did this as both a child and an adult, and while the resulting books aren’t academic studies, they have been of value to various fields of biology.
You Can Immerse Yourself in The Subject
Being on the move while learning means that you are only really limited by your finances or your resourcefulness! You might want to consider looking for a work from home job that you can do from your laptop. Taking both work and studies with you means you can keep going for as long as you desire. It also means that you can visit landmarks and other places around the world that are relevant to your studies.
For example, if you opt for an online bachelor of science degree in medical laboratory science you could e-mail universities in the area you will be in and ask if they would be willing to let you assist them with any out-of-hours work. This would give you good experience, as well as new contacts in the profession you are aiming towards. Online medical lab science programs teach mostly through theory, although you will need to arrange some practical work under supervision at some point. It is never too early to start making contacts for this.
You Can Take It at Your Own Pace
One of the big selling points of online degrees is that they are much more flexible in terms of course length than traditional courses. Almost all online universities, whether attached to a physical university or not, offer students the option of full-time or part-time hours and if the worst should happen and one doesn’t score high enough marks to qualify, they can retake their exams within a few months. Course materials will always be accessible. This makes revising for any potential re-sits easy and encourages students to learn at their own pace.
Traveling represents a wonderful opportunity for learning and for personal growth. Science degrees lend themselves well to adventure and can open the doors to your dream career.
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