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There are ghost stories that circulate in these parts, the mausoleum was broken into and raided by Union soldiers. The next morning… CONTINUE READING >>
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There are ghost stories that circulate in these parts, the mausoleum was broken into and raided by Union soldiers. The next morning… CONTINUE READING >>
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On the beach on the Isle of Palms in South Carolina, a man has found pure joy making… CONTINUE READING >>
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On the beach on the Isle of Palms in South Carolina, a man has found pure joy making… CONTINUE READING >>
Change is an unavoidable part of being a woman “of a certain age.” I’m not taking about THE Change – that’s another subject altogether.
I actually prefer the word transition . Change seems too vague, too out of our control, and sometimes too overwhelming.
Our transitions are what define us; how we handle life’s crazy twists and turns – and how we choose to come out on the other end.
I’ll be speaking in Charleston, South Carolina on October 3rd with two fascinating women, Sharon Becker and Jennet Robinson Alterman about grabbing life’s changes by the collar, showing them who’s boss, and turning our transitions into happiness… SEE MORE ABOUT THIS WONDERFUL EVENT >>
Change is an unavoidable part of being a woman “of a certain age.” I’m not taking about THE Change – that’s another subject altogether.
I actually prefer the word transition . Change seems too vague, too out of our control, and sometimes too overwhelming.
Our transitions are what define us; how we handle life’s crazy twists and turns – and how we choose to come out on the other end.
I’ll be speaking in Charleston, South Carolina on October 3rd with two fascinating women, Sharon Becker and Jennet Robinson Alterman about grabbing life’s changes by the collar, showing them who’s boss, and turning our transitions into happiness… SEE MORE ABOUT THIS WONDERFUL EVENT >>