Easy to be Hard

While we are firm believers in a “take it easy” philosophy, we have never been standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona before. Call us wacky, we were pretty stoked about it.

The town of Winslow is pretty stoked, as well.
They built a little monument to the lyric, complete with a mural of a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford slowing down to take a look at the statue named “Standing On The Corner.” It’s painted as if it is a reflection in a plate glass window and really works. The mood is captured.

Cool as it was to climb inside an Eagles song, we… CONTINUE READING >>

While we are firm believers in a “take it easy” philosophy, we have never been standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona before. Call us wacky, we were pretty stoked about it.

The town of Winslow is pretty stoked, as well.
They built a little monument to the lyric, complete with a mural of a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford slowing down to take a look at the statue named “Standing On The Corner.” It’s painted as if it is a reflection in a plate glass window and really works. The mood is captured.

Cool as it was to climb inside an Eagles song, we… CONTINUE READING >>

Sphere Conquering

Near the little town of Oracle, Arizona, one of the world’s great experiments took place. When the Biosphere 2 experiment began, it caused such a stir that it became a part of pop culture, even getting a mention on Seinfeld, and nothing says “made it” like a Seinfeld reference.

These jokes… CONTINUE READING >>

Near the little town of Oracle, Arizona, one of the world’s great experiments took place. When the Biosphere 2 experiment began, it caused such a stir that it became a part of pop culture, even getting a mention on Seinfeld, and nothing says “made it” like a Seinfeld reference.

These jokes… CONTINUE READING >>

In Dry Heat

There seemed to be a crossroads to our Arizona fun, Tucson. We kept passing through on our way from one place to another, so we decided to stop and check it out.

We started our excursion at the Garden of Gethsemane. This odd collection is the work of Felix Lucero and some divine inspiration. Wounded in World War I, Felix thought he was dying and he called on The Virgin Mary to make a deal. If she would save his life, he would dedicate it to creating Christian art. Mary held up her end and so did Mr. Lucero.


There seemed to be a crossroads to our Arizona fun, Tucson. We kept passing through on our way from one place to another, so we decided to stop and check it out.

We started our excursion at the Garden of Gethsemane. This odd collection is the work of Felix Lucero and some divine inspiration. Wounded in World War I, Felix thought he was dying and he called on The Virgin Mary to make a deal. If she would save his life, he would dedicate it to creating Christian art. Mary held up her end and so did Mr. Lucero.


The Inexplicable Stairway to Heaven

As the legend goes, when the chapel was built without stairs up to the choir loft. Monks used ladders, but since this chapel was for nuns, a staircase was needed. Conventional stairs would take up nearly half the space in the little chapel, so the nuns decided to pray a novena for some divine assistance. On the ninth (and final) day of the devotion, a mysterious man with a few simple tools appeared and informed the sisters that he could fashion a suitable staircase, but he must be left completely alone. Locked in the chapel for three days, he finished the stairs and disappeared without asking for pay. Nobody knew who he was or where he went, so naturally …CONTINUE READING >>
As the legend goes, when the chapel was built without stairs up to the choir loft. Monks used ladders, but since this chapel was for nuns, a staircase was needed. Conventional stairs would take up nearly half the space in the little chapel, so the nuns decided to pray a novena for some divine assistance. On the ninth (and final) day of the devotion, a mysterious man with a few simple tools appeared and informed the sisters that he could fashion a suitable staircase, but he must be left completely alone. Locked in the chapel for three days, he finished the stairs and disappeared without asking for pay. Nobody knew who he was or where he went, so naturally …CONTINUE READING >>

Making a Rocky Point About Mexico

Everyone in the United States has heard the horror stories about Mexico, especially the border region, but the idea that our southern border is an open, unchecked thoroughfare for illegal activities is patently absurd.

Driving along the US-Mexico border from California to Texas, we never went more than a few minutes without seeing the United States Border Patrol doing what they do best, patrolling…  CONTINUE READING >>

Everyone in the United States has heard the horror stories about Mexico, especially the border region, but the idea that our southern border is an open, unchecked thoroughfare for illegal activities is patently absurd.

Driving along the US-Mexico border from California to Texas, we never went more than a few minutes without seeing the United States Border Patrol doing what they do best, patrolling…  CONTINUE READING >>