Can a mountain be made by a group of people…by eating? For more on this bizarre occurrence:
Visit our GypsyNester YouTube Channel!
Boomer Travel. Food. Laughter. Breaking the Empty Nest Rules!
Can a mountain be made by a group of people…by eating? For more on this bizarre occurrence:
Visit our GypsyNester YouTube Channel!
WOW! Amazing!! You make wonderful videos!!
Fascinating! … gotta agree with the commentors below regarding the future … and funnin’ or not, it’s a scary thought ♥ One R ☼
Wow! I wonder what our garbage dumps are going to look like hundreds of years from now? Not as pretty as this, that’s for sure! 😉
Very impressive video in the future they will find mounds of flat screen TV’s and will wonder if those were edible. Just funning though.