We’re often prone to taking things for granted. We don’t realize just how good things! Take traveling in general, for example. It wasn’t so long ago that to see other places was to take your life in your hands. You’d set sail on a ship, and hope that you made it to the other side. Even if you did, you were effectively waving goodbye to your friends and family for good. Not so today, when traveling has reached new heights, in terms of convenience, safety, and pure fun. And the good news? It’s only going to get better. Below, we take a look at how travel and tourism will continue to improve in the years to come.
More Accessible
We said that traveling, say, two hundred years ago was problematic. But the truth is that even when planes were introduced and it became safer, the act of visiting new countries was largely closed off to the majority of people. It was an expensive thing to do. In the time that has past, the costs have come down, with low-cost airlines and the like allowing people with less money the chance to travel. In the future, these opportunities will only expand. At the moment, it can be costly to go on long-haul flights. With the arrival of low-cost airlines on the long-haul scene, more people than ever will be able to criss-cross the continents.
Better Planning
Though traveling is often thought of as a way to develop independence, in reality we often depend on any number of other people to make sure that our journeys go as smooth as possible. We’re in control, but only to a point. Technology has helped put the individual more in control, from everything to finding the flight to traveling to the city from the airport, and so on. As more and more technology and software is released, we’ll find that people are less reliant on traditional institutions and geographic areas. For example, when traveling abroad, one reason why people congregate in the center of town is that it is there where they can speak the language. When the software comes out that lets people translate in real time, we’ll find that people are more willing to venture slightly off the beaten path.
Fewer Headaches
We shouldn’t be too harsh on airports, since they do, you know, make it possible for us to go on our adventures. But we’d be lying if we said that they’re places that are unimprovable. They most definitely can be improved. And they will be. Some airports across the world have received a huge cash injection, which coincided with the rapid increase in air travel journeys. Making the most of innovative designs that make the airports run more smoothly, they’ll get an update that makes them more relaxing and enjoyable. Indeed, we’re already seeing some airports become effectively luxury shopping and entertainment centers, just with a bunch of terminals attached that jet people off to other parts of the world.
Faster and Better Travel
And talking of jetting off to other parts of the world, let’s talk about the flight itself. Flights used to be made for luxury, and then the process became a little more stiff, but now it’s coming back around. Planes have received plenty of small improvements over the years that have made them more enjoyable and comfortable. For example, many new airplanes have mood lighting, which mirrors the time of day at the flight’s destination. It’s more atmospheric than the usual, harsh overhead lighting, and reduces the chance of landing with jet lag. Not only are planes more comfortable, but they’re also faster. The current fastest airplane in the world can hit speeds of some 700mph, dramatically reducing travel time. In the future, these speeds will only continue to improve. Indeed, it’s projected that in the not too distant future, there’ll be plans that can make the New York to London journey in little more than two hours.
Specialized Itineraries
One of the best things about traveling becoming increasingly popular and accessible is that there have been so many industries that have been built up around tourism. For example, a person doesn’t just have to visit New York and see all of the usual attractions — they can visit with one specific theme in mind. For example, it could be with the view of following in the footsteps of their literary hero, or exploring the best and oldest bars in the city. With more people traveling than ever before, they’re not just looking for the same old, same old experience — they want to it to be more meaningful and personal. With all the information online and companies ready to step in to make it happen, we’ll see more of these purposeful, themed expeditions take place.
Different Experiences
Similarly, the inventiveness that surrounds travel will mean that more varied experiences will become available. Instead of choosing from a traditional hotel in a well-visited city, the internet will continue to provide opportunities for people to experience places far off the beaten map, which otherwise would have been beyond the reach of most people, purely because connecting the owner and travelers was so difficult. People will be able to spend time in a distant farm, for example, of in a hut in the rainforest, and so on. While the big cities and destinations will always get large numbers of visitors, the traveling map will become more spread out.
Better Connections, No Connection
The travel and tourism industry progress will benefit people who want to be better connected when they’re on the road, and the people who don’t. We’re already seeing wifi on flights, but that’s largely just as an additional, optional service. As the airplane companies continue to compete with one another, this will likely become a standard offering. Using data overseas will likely also become a thing. On the other end of the spectrum, there’ll be a rise in people who want to use their vacation time to unplug. There’s already something of a trend of people taking wellness trips during which they disconnect. Expect more of them in the future!
Greater Traveler Control
Traveler’s often go to other countries full of hope and positivity, but the truth is that they’re sometimes easy prey for people who want to rip them off. With the rise of travel-themed technology and software, this will become less of a thing. For example, it won’t be long before people are able to have full conversations in a language other than their own, thanks to technological advancement. This will allow them to clearly communicate prices ahead of time. Say, for example, when they’re in a taxi. The more control and power a traveler has in a situation, the less likely they are to be ripped off.
Local Connections
People will always read reviews, but even now we’re beginning to see something of a rejection of traditional review websites. Instead, people are looking to get their information from locals on the ground. As the world moves to a more uniformed society, it’ll be less likely that there’s a division between the traveler’s and locals (which can sometimes be pronounced) and more of a respectful integrating/acceptance.
Robot Helpers
Finally, look out for the rise of the machines! Helpful machines, that is. There have already been trials of robot helpers in certain travel arenas, such as airports and hotels. As the technology improves, they’re likely to be further used to mediate the traveler’s arrival into a new country and environment.
We are happy to present this collaborative post to offer valuable information to our readers.