As many of you readers already know, speaking with an expert is a great way to get clarity. It doesn’t matter the topic. If you need some clarity speaking to an expert will help you navigate the clutter of your mind and get better results quickly.
Often we get too caught up in the problem and can’t see a better solution when the reality is that there is nothing but better solutions if we only know where and how to look.
Every week I host a podcast dedicated to finding solutions to various problems I run into and that I think you, the reader, would be interested in.
The reality is that we all can use a little advice from time to time.
We all hit a wall sometimes, and getting somebody else’s perspective is a good start to figuring out if there is a problem and whether you’re too close to the trees to see the forest.
It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to talk to a vet online about a pet’s health issues or speaking with a fantastic business coach like Retha Nichole. Getting a perspective from a professional and not emotionally attached to the solution is a great way to view the problem better.
6 Ways To Resolve A Problem
The best advice is for you to follow these six tips to resolve a problem:
- Ask Yourself, Is This Really A Problem? Often we create the problem in our heads or make minor things into a significant issue. The idea of “mountains out of molehills” is accurate once we overanalyze the problem.
- Accept The Answer: It’s challenging to take a detached view as you assess things, but if you can get some outside perspective to let you know if you’re on track or off-base in your evaluation, the next step is to accept that the problem exists and set out a plan to move beyond it.
- Seek Help: The hard part is accepting an issue, but asking for help can be even more challenging. The reality is that once you know there’s an issue, you really should seek out to get professional help, whether it’s seeking professional coaching, a mentor, or a specialist that offers solutions to your unique problems.
- Break The Problem Down Into Small “Bites:” The concept here is “how do you eat a pizza?” One bite at a time. You can’t shove the whole pie into your mouth, so taking it one bite at a time is the best way to work through a problem.
- Use The Pomodoro Method Or The 80/20 Rule: The Pomodoro Method is a time management concept that stresses optimal performance is 80% output from 20% of our energy. For example, we’re more productive if we do a task for 20 minutes and take 5-minute break intervals.
How to implement The Pomodoro Technique
– Set a 20-minute timer and work with focus
– Take a 5-minute break. Get up from your work, move around, anything unrelated to your job
– Every four sets of the Pomodoro Technique, take a more extended break up to 15 or 20 minutes and repeat the process. - Discover The Opportunities Hiding In The Problem: Every problem has a solution, even if it’s not directly related to the issue at hand. For example, losing a job is stressful but may also lead to a new career or entrepreneurial opportunities.
Post-Evaluate The Problem To Find HIdden Solutions
After you take a detached view of the problem and come up with a solution, ask yourself a) what did you learn about the problem and the solution, b) was something good the result, if not, why? c) was there anything you learned that had offered new opportunities?
The goal is to find a solution to your problem and examine it in such a way that will give you insights into future possibilities.
In business, you want to find opportunities from a crisis
involves four main tactics:
- Care for your customers.
- Meet the changing nature of your customer’s needs.
- Engage your community regularly.
- Find alternative ways to provide for your customers.
If you are dealing with a crisis, whether it’s in business or life, accept that you don’t have all the answers and seek out some professional guidance. You’ll get better insights and may even find some hidden opportunities that you weren’t aware existed.
We are happy to present this collaborative post to offer valuable information to our readers.