4 Ways CBD Is Changing the Healthcare Industry

For years, doctors have relied on the pharmaceutical industry to help treat their patients. While there have been some incredible medical breakthroughs, many medications that help to heal can also harm. Medications come with long lists of side effects that can leave patients with additional problems.

In the past decade, the reemergence of one of the earth’s most powerful plants has surged in popularity. CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound commonly found in hemp and marijuana plants. CBD that is derived from the marijuana plant contains higher levels of THC and must be prescribed by a doctor. The CBD products that you can buy from retailers or online are primarily derived from the hemp plant and contain less than 0.3% THC.

While CBD may come from the marijuana plant, it is just one of the hundreds of compounds found in hemp and marijuana plants. It does not carry any psychoactive properties and doesn’t produce a high when used. However, it does contain incredible antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in treating patients with various conditions.

As the medical industry discovers the endless benefits of CBD products, many patients are now able to choose a more natural remedy for their ailments. There are different types of CBD that can be explored in the CBD Flower Review, and many of them are helping thousands of patients to live a higher quality of life. Let’s take a closer look at how CBD is changing the medical industry.

Cancer Treatments

For many years, cancer doctors have been prescribing medical marijuana to patients to help deal with the symptoms of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Now, studies are finding that using the CBD compound in conjunction with traditional cancer treatments may be helping patients to heal faster and live longer.

It is believed that CBD works to change the chemical and physical environment of cancer cells, causing them to collapse. CBD can also boost the immune system helping to fight off disease in the body. As a complementary treatment, the prescribing of CBD to cancer patients is showing potential, although more studies need to be completed.

Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain is both physically and mentally exhausting. It is estimated that over 40 million people in the U.S. live with terrible pain every day. Most chronic pain patients rely on opioids to help them live with their pain. While prescription medications can be helpful in blocking pain signals to the brain, they don’t do anything to cure the root cause of the pain.

A large percentage of pain in the body comes from inflammation. Muscles, joints, tendons, and other bodily tissues can become inflamed and cause pain. CBD is known to be one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory agents. When inflammation is reduced, many patients find relief from their chronic pain.

The medical industry has become more responsible about prescribing opiates due to their high capacity for addiction. Many medical professionals are now prescribing CBD products to their patients to help them battle their chronic pain. When the inflammation is treated, many patients are able to stop taking their prescription medication.

Neurodegenerative Disease Treatment

A large percentage of our current population are seniors. When considering people of an advanced age, certain neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s come to light. Both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are caused by the migration of the contents of the brain. While it will take further study to understand the connection, it has been found that CBD can help to mitigate the migration of brain cells and slow these two diseases.

Anxiety Treatment

Over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety. Most rely on pharmaceuticals to help them live as normal as possible. Antidepressants are prescribed to millions of people to treat the symptoms of anxiety, but they all have serious side effects. Many people dealing with anxiety are looking for natural alternatives.

CBD has been found to help calm the nervous system that when out of sync can produce symptoms of anxiety. CBD works to manipulate certain transmitters in the brain to reduce the levels of adrenaline in the body, relieving the symptoms of anxiety.

Patients and doctors are looking towards nature to provide answers to some of medicine’s difficult problems. While pharmaceuticals have no doubt helped millions of patients with their ailments, long term treatment can have serious side effects. We have all become aware of the seriousness of the opioid epidemic, where people from all walks of life have fallen victim to unintentional addictions.

As more medical professionals embrace the possibilities of natural products like CBD, they can help their patients to treat the problems they are dealing with and not just the symptoms. Talk to your doctor today about the right CBD treatment for you.

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