3 Texting and Driving Statistics That’ll Make Any Driver Put Away Their Phone

There are big and small decisions we make in life. Some seemingly small decisions can have huge consequences. This is true of the practice of texting and driving.

While picking up your phone while behind the wheel might not seem like any big deal, the results of this action could be deadly serious. Not convinced?

Taking a look at a few key texting and driving statistics is likely to change your mind. Read on and we’ll walk you through some key factoids.

1. It Takes Five Seconds To Read a Text Message

On average, it takes about five seconds for a person to read a text message that they receive on their cell phone. That’s a full five seconds that someone’s eyes are off the road and directed towards the palm of their hand.

How long is five seconds, exactly? If you’re driving on the highway, this is enough time to go 360 yards or the entire length of a football field.

That’s quite a distance! You can imagine just how much trouble you could potentially get into driving at a high speed over that distance. It’s no wonder that texting and driving lead to so many serious accidents.

2. Texting Doubles Accident Odds

What is one of the most horrifying texting and driving death statistics?

Just how much does texting contribute to the odds of an accident occurring? According to a study done in 2018, it can actually double your chances of being involved in a serious incident.

That’s a huge increase in risk and danger. In addition to increasing the odds of your collision with another vehicle, it also increases your risk of colliding with other objects on and off the road.

The damage done from these accidents can be quite serious, not to mention expensive.

3. Texting and Driving Leaves You Legally Liable

When a car accident occurs, when a driver will be often be found at fault for the accident. This means they will need to pay, usually via their insurance, for the damages done at an accident.

This can be incredibly expensive and will be sure to increase your premiums by a huge margin. You also might need to pay for a car accident lawyer to help protect you against further litigation.

Texting and driving is seen as negligent behavior and in some states, it is even considered illegal. You’ll be leaving yourself quite vulnerable for a serious punishment if you are caught with your phone out behind the wheel Lake Norman Boat Club.

In a given year, hundreds of thousands of fines and punishments are laid out for those who are texting and driving. Unless you want to compromise your future, you don’t want to be one of the people on the receiving end of this statistic.

Key Texting and Driving Statistics

Everyone feels that familiar pressure of wanting to read a new text message right away. However, the last thing you should do is check while behind the wheel. The above texting and driving statistics prove that this decision could be deeply dangerous and damaging.

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