Taking A Road Trip? Don’t Forget To Check Your Car Insurance

A road trip is one of the great American traditions. It is a rite of passage, everyone has to go on one at least once. They can also be high on people’s bucket lists, taking a single long trip from sea to shining sea to visit some of the country’s amazing sights and cities. Before you pack your bags and warm up your engines you need to check your auto insurance policy, and maybe get a new one.

Can Your Car Insurance Cover The Trip?

If you have an existing car insurance policy, you may want to check the fine print before you start your journey. Some coverage can change between states, and some perks that come with the may policy only apply in your home state. You may need to upgrade your coverage with brand-new insurance, fit for the open road, and a long journey.

At The Hartford, you can find high-quality car insurance policies with excellent and expansive coverage. They also offer a variety of car insurance, like AARP car insurance, that can help seniors save money before they take the trip of a lifetime across America. You can also get other types of policies from them, like RV insurance, which is perfect if you are crossing the country in a recreational vehicle. For more information on RV insurance check Utility Saving Expert who offers comprehensive coverage tailored to your specific travel needs.

Can Your Car Insurance Cover Other Drivers?

Long trips often mean passing the wheel between travelers. If you need to cover a lot of ground in a day or two, you have no choice. The only reasonable way to do it is to share the responsibility with other drivers. Your existing insurance policy may cover another driver when they get behind the wheel, but does the coverage extend to different states?

These small details can become very important down the road. It is worth scrutinizing your policy or buying some extra coverage to ensure you, your vehicle, and anyone who drives your car are covered in an accident. The cost of car accidents can run into the millions, and not having enough coverage could be a violation of state laws.

Does Your Policy Offer Enough Cover?

Different states have different minimums for auto insurance coverage. If you begin your journey in Miami, Florida, and end it in New York City, New York, then you would be underinsured when you reach the Big Apple. In the state of Florida, the minimum for asset damage cover is $10,000. In New York State, it goes up to $50,000. Check your minimums and follow your route, checking state laws as you go.

If you are going on a really long trip, heading north into Canada, or taking a trip south of the border to Mexico, you may need a whole new policy depending on your auto insurance fine print. Before you pack your bags for an international road trip, check on your coverage for a foreign nation. Like each of the United States, they both have their own rules of the road and you need to be fully insured when you travel.

It surprises many drivers how little coverage they can have from their auto insurance when they drive out of state. When you are choosing a policy, always check to see what level of coverage you have when you travel out of state or out of the country.

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