One of the first questions anyone who travels a lot gets asked is How do you find the money?
Well, there are probably as many answers as there are travelers because we all have our little tricks to help us keep our expenses down. But perhaps the best way is to save money on the things we use every day. That’s where a website like CouponGrind can really come in handy.
There are big savings available on most anything and everything, from clothes to computers, and gifts to groceries. For us vagabonds, there are also values to be had on the items needed when planning for a big trip.
We found coupons for luggage, like the bags we use when packing with our One Trip Rule. This is our philosophy where every item we have must be able to be pushed, pulled, gripped, strapped, or carried simultaneously.
The “One Trip Rule” makes it so much easier to keep track of everything, and our belongings never get left unattended while moving between airports, taxis, trains, shuttle busses, and hotels. When no bags are feeling lonely and neglected, no bags mysteriously disappear.
Another rule of ours is to never leave home without a couple of cameras, and we found deep discounts on them at CouponGrind as well.
There are big bargains offered on most everything needed to make any trip enjoyable and economical, like hotels, restaurants, and apparel, so traveling and savings can be simultaneous.
We discovered discounts for amazing attractions like diving, zip lining, dolphin encounters, and exploring Mayan ruins at Xcaret in Cancun. As much as we like to push the envelope, there was one event even we would have to pass on, swimming with sharks. Oh wait, it’s perfectly safe. They are nurse sharks and don’t think of us as dinner at all.
One exceptional deal we found could come in extra handy for those who have to leave a beloved pet behind when gallivanting across the globe. CouponGrind’s favorite litter box, Luuup, is on special so that friends and family who serve as pet sitters can relax and have a lot less mess to mess with.
Luuup has revolutionized the kitty clean-up process with the three sifting tray litter system. It’s the smartest and cleanest way to manage your kitty litter needs and surely the last litter box you’ll ever need.
Just LIFT & SIFT to clean the litter box. Lifting and gently sifting the top tray easily separates the waste from the clean litter. This economical and innovative litter sifting system removes only what needs to go, so litter lasts longer while away on vacay, saving both time and money.
Dare we say that Luuup’s quality materials and the aesthetic design can make tossing those scoops a pleasant experience? Yes, we dare so check out the Luuup discount codes and coupons at CouponGrind. No wonder they’re one of the fastest growing and bestselling pet product companies out there!
Maybe that extra cash could pay for an extra day or two of vacation.
David & Veronica,
We are happy to feature this collaborative post to offer valuable information to our readers.