On the ninth (and final) day of the devotion, a mysterious man with a few simple tools appeared and informed the sisters that he could fashion a suitable staircase, but he must be left completely alone. See more: https://gypsynester.com/fe.htm
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The type of wood used for the stairs isnt found in the region anywhere. Scientificly the stairs shouldve crashed to the ground. I do see a resemblance between the stairs and the shroud of Turin. Both baffle the scientific community as to how they were made. And they both have links to Jesus. What I find odd is why the carpenter wanted to be left alone.
I grew up hearing about this legend! Santa Fe is definitely on my list of must visits now.
The Loretto Chapel is a beautiful sight.
I absolutely fell in love with Santa Fe when I was there a few years ago …. unfortunately I missed seeing the church.