When was the last time you thought about how many people were in the world? And how many of them are interested in your product or service? When you start to think about it there is a huge audience out there for your product.
It’s just about using all the channels available to you and targeting them in the right way. From Instagram and Pinterest to word of mouth, your target audience is all around you. Here’s how to increase your audience reach and how to reach your target market.
Create a Strong Brand
If you want your product or service to be noticed then you need to create a brand that is recognized online and in shops. This means creating something memorable and unique. It also needs to be something reflects the values of the company.
Companies with weak brands can lead to a product or service that people perceive as mediocre.
Start by thinking about the values your company stands for. If it’s a green company then make sure that is reflected in the services you offer. Don’t use plastic packaging, encourage sustainability and, if applicable, use ethical farms if there is meat in your products. Reflect this on the packaging as well.
Use the color green and include any expert accreditations that can prove to your customers that you are a green company.
Be sure to follow green companies on social media and try to gain traction with them by posting valuable content that might encourage them to follow you back, every day.
Remember if your audience is very specific and you are looking to target those people be sure to consider geofencing marketing providers.
Hire Experts on Each Social Media Channel
Many people hire social media managers. This is a great step in the right direction and it is a valuable step forward in understanding that this is a medium important to growing your audience as print magazines and television.
But you can go one step further – a crucial step forward in the 2020s – and that is hiring experts in each social media channel. If you know you want to make use of Twitter and grow your audience to the tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands then hire an expert in Twiter.
There are experts that specialize just in Twitter and you can find these advertising themselves online.
They might charge more than normal social media managers but if you know your audience is on a particular channel then it makes sense to invest more in hiring an expert.
Understand the Audience of Different Social Media Channels
It’s important to understand what each channel does and what audience you are likely to find there.
This site is often about politics. If the company and service that you offer is all about activism then this is the channel for you. It is more about words than images, though it is possible to post photos and some people do post them.
It also allows you to give live updates that are read instantly. If you were a reviews service, then this could be a great place to offer your first opinions about a product on launch.
This is the site of travel, fashion, and lifestyle because it is about the image first. The image is the most important part of the site and the text comes second. But it is also more about telling a story than conveying a message.
In fact, there is a storytelling feature to Instagram. You can add a photo with a caption to your story and also repost other people’s stories.
If you want to show or promote the product or service you offer then this might be the channel for you.
VR is another way of communicating with your audience and answers the question of how to reach your target audience. Shortly, we might use VR with Instagram.
Talk to People
How will you ever know who likes your product or service if you don’t talk to them? You need to talk to your audience or ideal buying customer to find out who they are and what they like and don’t like about your company.
You could do this the traditional way by organizing a focus group, a representative sample, but sometimes this doesn’t work. Instead, you could get out onto the streets or the shops where your product or service is sold and do a quick vox-pop or question and answer session.
Here’s some questions to consider asking:
• Why did you pick this product today?
• Who are you buying this for?
• Is this your first time buying the product?
• What else is in your basket?
• Would you buy this again?
• Would you still buy this item if we changed the price?
• Do you think you would have brought the product if we changed the packaging?
Remember to offer an incentive to those who answer your questions. This could be a chocolate or some free vouchers for the supermarket that stocks your product.
How to Improve Your Audience Reach? Know Your Audience Inside-Out
If you want to improve your audience reach then you need to understand your audience completely and what channels they use so that you can access them.
Do your research and create a strong brand that is tailored to them. Hire experts to work on the social media channels you are targeting if you are not familiar with them.
More than anything else talk to your audience. Find out where they shop and who they are and quiz them on why they chose your product. Be sure to incentivize them with a reward at the end to show that you value their time.
If you are interested in learning more about improving your audience reach or how to grapple with your target market then be sure to check out the rest of our site.
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