Travel truly is one our favorite things in life. It must be, because we have now been to over fifty different countries along with all fifty of the United States.
But even fanatic, ardent adventurers such as ourselves can get bored in the long stretches of time during in the transportation phases of our journeys. As anyone who has driven cross country, taken a long bus or train ride, or flown across an ocean knows, time can drag on seemingly endlessly through those hours and hours spent cooped up in planes, trains, and automobiles… along with an occasional boat.
Back in the old days, when we rode in the “way back” seat of the station wagon on family cross country odysseys, we would play I Spy, or Punch Bug, or my favorite, The License Plate Game. We loved to see who could spot cars from the most states. And there were huge extra bonus points for Alaska and Hawaii.
I must admit, I still do this when driving long distances. I just can’t help it. But other than that little quirk of mine, now we are all grown up and can perhaps explore some more adult ways to pass the time but…
Just Because We’re Adults Doesn’t Mean We Can’t Play Games
It just means that we might play better games. These days we always have a computer right in our pocket, so let’s start there.
Of course there are any number of games we can play on our phone, but everybody loves BINGO, right? I mean, there is even a song about it. B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-O.
As an added bonus, we might even put a little extra traveling money in our pockets. But we definitely want to be sure that the site we are playing on is legitimate.
So how can we be confident to find a trusted bingo site? Well, this Smart Bingo Guide is certainly a good place to start. With dozens of sites listed, we’re sure to find one we love.
And by choosing a licensed bingo site, we can rest assured knowing that the site is trustworthy and safe. The licensing information should always be displayed on a reputable bingo website. If it is not there then it is best to look for a different site. But that won’t be a problem because the Smart Bingo Guide has already checked. They do the work, so we don’t have to.
That Same Phone Can be a Movie Screen
Remember when there was just one screen at the front of the airplane and everybody had to watch the same movie? We do.
But not anymore. Now a phone can be a theater, and we can watch almost any movie, almost anywhere.
Any place with a cell signal that is. Luckily, that is just about everywhere these days. But traveling like we do there are still times we find ourselves so far off the beaten path that we have to kick it old school for our entertainment. When that happens…
A Good Book can Make the Time Fly By
Guess what? Books are where the ideas for most of those movies we watch came from. So sometimes we still like to go straight to the source and read our entertainment. Getting lost in a great story is one of the best ways we know to get one of those “Wow, where did the last few hours go?” moments.
Pick a Card, Any Card
As long as we are exploring analog entertainment options, we certainly can’t overlook the fun of playing a few hands of some good old fashioned card games. When there are only the two of us we like to play gin rummy, but if we have a larger group, especially with our kids (who are all well into their thirties now so “kids”might be a misnomer), then it is time to get cut throat and break out the poker chips.
Some of Our Old Favorites also Work Well while in Motion
Many of the classic games from our childhood can easily be played even when we are moving along in a car or airplane. Family favorites like UNO, Pictionary, Scatergories, and Battleship can all be played without being disrupted by bouncing and turning so we can shout “uno!,” or “you sunk my battleship!” without fear of disrupting the game.
Or there is always the license plate game. Who knows? There might be a car from Alaska or Hawaii right around the next bend.
But then, it’s a little hard to play it on an airplane.
David & Veronica,
We are happy to present this collaborative post to offer valuable information to our readers.