On the outskirts of Kankakee, Illinois, visible from I-57 but not easily accessible, is the biggest Abe Lincoln weve ever seen.
This guy looms over Kankakee, like a midwestern Rio de Janeiro Jesus, with a view from 40 feet high. He dwarfs the Lincoln of Lincoln Memorial fame, who is a paltry 19 feet from top to bottom (though in D.C. Abes sitting down, so well call it a tie).
After winding through a few side streets off the exit, we made our way to the home of the giant chief executive, Alexander Construction, Inc. Mr. Jerry Alexander was kind enough to take time out of his schedule to chat us up about his enormous Abe.
Commissioned in Wisconsin at the F.A.S.T. Corporation, Mr. Alexander gave the artist a picture from which to draw inspiration and the fiberglass fabrication was underway.
The colossal Commander in Chief can hold signs in his left hand. Things like Support Our Troops, Merry Christmas and sometimes political statements but Mr. Alexander said that honest Abe does not use his notices for advertising.
The attention he draws may be another story. While it is true that Abraham Lincoln was our tallest President, he certainly wasnt this big!
David & Veronica, GypsyNester.com
>You do good tweet. Honest Abe says Keep it up!