Fishing At Night: Top 5 Mistakes That Can Get You Into Trouble

When fishing at night, there are some important things you have to keep in mind if you want to avoid getting yourself into trouble. Prior to doing anything else, it would be prudent to always check the local laws to make sure you are allowed to fish at night and if there are laws on the books requiring a fishing license, that you have one in place. After you have dealt with these items, read up on the 5 most common mistakes that people make when fishing in the dark so you don’t fall into their traps too!

Not Having A Guide

One of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to fishing at night is to not hire a guide. You will get best value for money by hiring a guide who is familiar with the area you want to go fishing. If you attempted to go out on your own, you would have a very hard time finding fish and could actually end up lost or hurt! Do yourself a favor and reach out to a qualified guide. You will be happy you did.

Using The Wrong Type Of Fishing Rod And Reel

You need to spend time picking the right rod and reel when you go fishing at night; this rule also applies when fishing during the day. There are many different reel and rod combinations to choose from. You want to make sure the rod is strong enough to handle the strain that will be placed on it when you land a fish.

Along with the rod being strong, the reel needs to hold enough tension so the fish cannot break the line. Your fishing guide will be able to give you some practical advice on which reel and rod combinations are going to be the best overall match. Something to add is the need for high quality fishing line; without that the fish is going to easily get away.

Using The Wrong Type Of Bait

At night you will need to use different bait compared to what you would use in the day. Since there is no light you will need to use bait like cut up fish on a hook. The oils from the fish will permeate the water and attract fish towards it. Select bait that the fish you want to catch would be interested in eating so you stand a better chance of landing one.

Never Fish Alone At Night

When fishing at night, there are many things that could go wrong and you need to have someone there with you. By having someone with you and following the “buddy system” you will have peace of mind knowing you will be safe if anything happens.

Fishing During The Wrong Time Of The Year

There are certain times of the year when fishing at night is more fruitful than others. If you attempt to go fishing during those off-peak times then you would be setting yourself up for failure. By getting advice from a fishing guide, you would be able to avoid most of the mistakes we have highlighted.

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One thought on “Fishing At Night: Top 5 Mistakes That Can Get You Into Trouble”

  1. Yeah, I’ve heard of that, to use a different pole for fishing at night and there are different poes for every type of fish. So that’s that and I really am having trouble finding the right pole for my boyfriend who happens to like fishing.

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