Competition shooting is an amazing sport filled with so many talented shooters. Competing can help you learn focus, discipline, and tenacity. It can also be a great excuse to travel and experience different parts of the world that you never would have been able to see otherwise. If you’re considering entering your first competition, here are five ways to prepare for competitive shooting.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Just because you’re a good shooter doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be a good competitive shooter. Before you even consider entering a competition, practice as much as you can, and read all of the information about competitions that you can get your hands on. Remember that the people who compete regularly log a ton of hours practicing, so get out to the range as often as you can. While you are there you should try out a Red Dot Sight that can improve your accuracy, speed, and overall performance.
Invest In High-end Gear
Even if you’re just a mediocre shooter, you can often do well in competitions if you’ve practiced a lot and have high-end gear. When it comes to shooting, save up your money and go for the best possible equipment you can afford. It will go a long way.
Have A Good Attitude
In competitive shooting, people are generally very nice and are there to have a good time. If you are a sore loser or have a bad attitude, you will stand out and won’t be invited back to compete, no matter how good of a shooter you are. Practice good sportsmanship before you get there.
Ask Competitors For Advice
If you know anyone who has been in a shooting competition before, ask them to meet you at the range for an afternoon and pick their brain about the experience. They’ll have advice for you that you would never be able to find on the internet. Ask them everything from what they wish they would have known before their first competition, what competition they would recommend for a beginner, down to what gear they would recommend.
Go As A Spectator
Many different shooting competitions allow people to come and watch as spectators. Check with the competition first and then go check one out for yourself. You can read everything about competitions and hear the advice of others, but the only way to truly know what a competition is like is to witness a real one yourself. Aside from being informative, watching can also be very exciting!
Whether you’re certain you want to try out competitive shooting or just toying with the idea, it’s a fun world to be a part of. Always remember at the end of the day that shooting is a sport and even at a competitive level, it’s all about fun!
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I used to enjoy it… many years ago. I have never shot more than just a local match. No State, area, or National. Did not have the time to invest in it. No one that I shot with had a lopsided advantage over anyone else. Every one with pretty much the same equipment. You would win this month, and maybe I would win next month. Well that is all gone. The friendliness has been replaced with ruthlessness. People that shoot 52 weekends a year, 3 times during the week, and in between sit at a reloading bench. No production or stock service pistol. All carry optics, pistol caliber carbines, and unaffordable “John Wick” guns. Took the fun right out of it for the occasional neighborhood shooter. I am glad that some people still enjoy it.