What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?: A Comprehensive Guide

There are around 40 million lawsuits filed in the United States every year.

This huge number reflects how important the lawsuit is in our legal system. The option of taking a case to the courts is open to anyone who feels they have been mistreated contrary to the law.

While this number seems huge, it would be a lot higher if it wasn’t for something known as a class action lawsuit.

Read on as we explain what a class action lawsuit is and how to go about filing one.

What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?

So, first things first, what exactly is a class action lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit is like any other, except for the fact that it involves multiple plaintiffs. Where one party has committed a wrong that has affected more than one individual, the affected parties can join together in this way to sue the defendant.

This commonly arises in cases where the actions of a company have negatively affected a large number of its clients.

Why Choose a Class Action Lawsuit?

If someone has done you wrong, you have every right to take them to court by yourself. No rule says you have to join forces with others in a class action.

However, there are many advantages to a class action lawsuit.

The most obvious is the cost. When you join forces with many other plaintiffs, you can all divide the fees associated with the lawsuit amongst yourselves.

Convenience is also a factor, as you won’t need to organize an entire lawsuit yourself if you’re involved in a class action.

How to Find a Class Action Lawyer

Class action lawsuits are highly demanding for everyone involved. If you’re taking one, you’ll need a lawyer who’s able to step up to the challenge.

The main thing you need to look out for is the experience in the context of class actions. Because of the number of plaintiffs involved, they tend to be a lot more complex than standard cases.

When you think you have the right lawyer for the job, there are a number of things to ask them. Find out immediately what their fees are likely to be, as well as the lawsuit’s likelihood of success.

There are too many lawyers out there who will take on speculative lawsuits just to bleed fee money from their clients. Be careful that this doesn’t happen in your case.

Joining Forces for Justice in 2020

The class action lawsuit is an essential cog in the machine that is our legal system. It allows large and complicated legal issues to make their way through the court system much more quickly, securing effective justice for many people who might never enjoy it otherwise.

If you have been involved in a legal dispute with a large group, a class action lawsuit might be the best way for you to get what you deserve.

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