Everyone knows that traveling to a foreign country is an expensive endeavor. Visiting Australia, in particular, can break the bank for someone on a tight budget. From intermittent domestic flights due to the country’s sheer size to accommodation to feeding, Australia can easily get more expensive than the UK.
However, a better approach is to find part-time work on the trip. This way, it’s possible to explore the fascinating wildlife, view the beautiful landscape, and interact with the diverse cultures, while making enough money to stay afloat. A standard working holiday visa makes it legally possible to find work while traveling.
Getting Started
Before securing a job, some things need to be set in place. First, an Australian bank account is required, and even a tax file number (TFN). The penalty for securing a job without a TFN is a payment of the maximum tax rate of 46.5%. A good strategy is to set up the account number and TFN before arriving in the country. Also note that with a working holiday visa, a person can work with one employer for a maximum of 6 months. This is to encourage the person to travel while visiting the country.
Finding Part-Time Work
Looking for a part-time job while traveling isn’t like a regular job hunt. The important thing to remember is that the goal is to get extra cash; not to build a career. Here are some tips to help with this process.
- Prepare an Aussie-Ready CV
A resume provides a person the opportunity to tell employers how he/she fits into the role. Aside from containing basic information like name, address, telephone number, and email, it also highlights the person’s previous experiences and how it makes them a good fit for the new role. This can help a person stand out from other backpackers who tend to ignore the importance of a good CV.
- Get the necessary certifications
Specific job roles require legal permits before commencing. For instance, a person that’s interested in working as a bartender or in other places where alcohol will be served needs to receive the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training. It’s possible to take this course online before arriving. In a lot of instances you may be asked to provide national character checks in Australia. This is a criminal history check certificate that you can obtain online.
Working in the construction industry also requires a ‘white card’, which costs about AU$100. Having the necessary permits opens up more job opportunities.
- Get Online
The internet has revolutionized the job-hunting process. From the comfort of a laptop, a person can view thousands of vacancies that are available from popular jobs search engine sites like Seek, Jora, and Career One. Although these jobs tend to be skewed towards the hospitality and administrative sector.
- Check Out the Farms
Farm jobs are one of the most popular employment opportunities for travelers. Despite the sheer number of opportunities available, securing one can be challenging because of the commensurate level of competition. Sites like Harvest Trail are a great place to get farm jobs.
- Take Advantage of Seasonal Work
Depending on when a person’s traveling, there are a lot of seasonal works available. Employers even like to employ travelers for these roles because no long-term commitment is required. During the Christmas period, for example, many places will be looking for temporary staff because native Aussies will be going home to their families. From shop assistant to dressing up as a festive elf, lots of opportunities are available.
- Face-to-Face
Going to meet employers physically can also be a great way to find a job. Also, forming a strong network with locals and other travelers opens up the chance for a person to get a job based on referrals.
What matters at the end of the day is to enjoy the process!
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