If you take daily medication, then you’ll need to bring it with you on any vacations that you decide to go on.
This is particularly relevant for older folks because 39% of seniors are on 5 or more prescription drugs. Having a daily medication regimen should not exclude you from traveling, but you will need to take your prescriptions with you.
This isn’t a major hurdle, but understanding the rules for traveling with medication is a must. Knowing this will make it easier for you to get through TSA and on the plane without a hassle.
Let’s take a look at some advice for traveling with prescription medication to make packing for your next trip simple.
Understand Restrictions
The first thing you need to understand is the restrictions regarding prescription medication. There are a few different elements to this.
For starters, you should understand what is and what isn’t allowed on an airplane. Just about any federally legal medication is fair game, but something like medical marijuana is not.
This means that you can bring any prescription pills and liquids, even those bigger than 3.4oz, with you. If you do bring liquid with you, then you’ll need to disclose this to a TSA officer.
The big exception to this is if you’re traveling internationally to a location where a specific medication is illegal. For example, Adderall is illegal in Japan and cannot be brought there.
Because of this, you need to also consider the local laws of wherever you’re traveling so that you aren’t unknowingly violating them. Do some research before you fly to save yourself from the hassle.
Store Medication in Original Containers
Another useful tip is to keep your prescriptions in their original container.
This isn’t a downright requirement, but it will make things easier should any questions arise. If you’re asked to prove that you have a prescription for your medication, a bottle with your name on it will simplify the process.
Usually, this won’t be an issue, but it’s smarter to be prepared just in case. It’s unlikely to have your medication confiscated, but you’ll at least save time should anyone ask you questions.
Again, if you have medication in liquid form, you’ll need to show it to a TSA officer if it’s over 3.4oz. Anything else is fine and doesn’t need to be expressly declared. Your medication will be screened via x-ray unless you ask for a physical examination instead.
Use Your Carry-On
You should also store your medication in your carry-on bag. There are two important reasons for this; easy access and preventing loss.
If you’re storing your medication in a carry-on, this means that you can use it whenever you need it. This is helpful for longer flights where you’ll likely need to use it mid-flight. On the other hand, if you stashed your medication in a checked bag, you won’t be able to use it.
The other problem with this is that you can’t watch your prescriptions during the flight. Airplane luggage is often lost or delayed and this can ruin your trip if your medication is with it. It’s extremely unlikely that you lose your carry-on bag, which makes it a much safer storage choice.
Bring Extra Dosages
The final tip to keep in mind is to bring extra dosages with you.
Even if there is a set end date for your vacation, you never know what will happen during the trip. There is a possibility that your flights are delayed or you may choose to stay longer.
Alternatively, if you use medication on a by-need basis, then having extras is almost a requirement. For instance, you may need medication for allergies. If you have a flare-up, then you might need more than your routine calls for.
Because of this, you’ll certainly want to have extras with you rather than running out mid-trip. It’s difficult to find a prescription when you’re away from home and it will likely be expensive when you find it.
There’s no harm in bringing along a few extra pills and it’s much better to be over-prepared than stranded in need.
Closing Thoughts
Traveling with medication may be a necessity for you but fortunately, it’s easy to bring along. With careful preparation, you can breeze through TSA and have what you need for your whole trip.
Before you leave, make a point of learning about any medication restrictions for the location that you’re traveling to. When you’re packing, keep all medication in their original containers, store it in your carry-on bag, and remember to bring extra dosages with you.
Vacations are meant to be enjoyed, but you shouldn’t neglect to take your medication! Be prepared for your trip by properly packing any prescription pills and liquids that you’ll need during your stay.
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