Italian “Truck Stops”

Most anything needed along the Autostrada, including a really good meal, can be found at many of the service areas, or area servizio. All of these stops have gas, groceries, souvenirs and a bar, that’s right, a full bar with snacks. Many have repair service and a full restaurant. Just look for the AutoGrill or Ciao (we have no idea if the Italians get the pun of this name for a place to chow down) signs.

The food is served cafeteria style but is always fresh and very good, this is Italy after all. They take their food very seriously. “To Go” food is almost nonexistent and we never saw anyone eating in their car. Italians will pull off the road even to consume a little picnic lunch or snack packed from home.

When a quick jolt of Joe was needed at a rest stop, we were in luck, Italy has about the best coffee in the world. After a time or two of babbling at the servers we learned the proper process. Go to the cashier first to order and pay for the desired beverage, then take the receipt to the bar, tell the tender, and proceed to knock back an espresso. Viola! Ready for another couple hundred miles.

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4 thoughts on “Italian “Truck Stops””

  1. It is sometimes the little differences that are cool about traveling.  Like the china at a truck stop. The food actually looks pretty fancy for a quick stop too! You guys are really moving along! At new locations pretty quickly it seems!

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