Finding the right school for your child is one of the biggest decisions any parent can ever make for their kid. Whether your intent is to find a school that will encourage your child to study bible scripture or that you’d like your child in classes with like-minded kids, it’s a good idea to do your research and make sure that your choice has Catholic Institution Certification before enrolling them in a private high school.
Each Catholic school has a different approach towards religious studies, but one thing in common: they all have personalized curriculums to integrate religious studies into school life. If you are hesitant about whether that is the right way to teach your child about religion, you can test different curricula before enrolling them in school. For instance, a free vbs curriculum for kids can help you find out if this is the way your child needs to study religion and form spiritual habits. After making clear the best method for your kid, it is time to choose the right school.
For a few things to do to help ensure you pick the right Catholic high school for your teenager, read on.
Visit the school ahead of time.
One of the most important things you can do when trying to find the right Catholic high school for your child is to visit the school. While it’s one thing to read online about how God’s word will be tangled into classes and instruction, it’s a whole other experience to watch instructors give kids things like book introductions relating back to scripture.
Maybe you’ve heard fantastic things about a particular catholic high school in Paramus, NJ and have done your research online about their curriculum around good bible study and insight into biblical text. You’re probably feeling relieved to hear that there’s a school supported by the archdiocese of Newark and hopeful that it’s a good match. The best way to know for sure is to call a place like Paramus Catholic High School and ask to sit in on a class. Many schools will allow you to bring your high school student with you or even spend a day attending class in person. This is a great opportunity to give you and your child a first-hand experience to make the right decision for you.
Talk with staff about the curriculum.
No two catholic schools are exactly the same. Some have a higher focus on study bibles and scripture while others are more focused on teaching students values for Christian lives. It’s important to know about any school’s curriculum before enrolling your child. Talk to staff about policies, too. You’ll want to know about discipline policies, enrollment retention statistics, and how former students feel about their Catholic high school experiences. The reality is that you can’t ask enough questions before making this big decision for your child. If it helps, write down a list of questions and ask to schedule a meeting with staff for an introduction to the school.
Consider extracurricular activity options.
Attending a Catholic school shouldn’t mean that every activity is related to the bible. For your child to get a full education, you’ll want to know that they’ll be exposed to things like sports and other extracurricular activities to teach them in other ways. For example, your child’s ability to play on a school sports team could not only instill a sense of discipline and teamwork but could even connect them to God in a deeper way.
When searching for the perfect school for your child, consider their interests and ask for their input. If your child is interested in art, for example, you’ll want to know that there’s an art program or activity through the school that your child can enjoy. This will help them to feel more connected to peers and the school itself.
Finding the right Catholic high school for your child can be a long journey. At the same time, if your child’s connection to Jesus Christ is a top priority, your hard work will be worth it. Beyond looking at tuition and location, taking the time to learn more about any Catholic school’s culture is important, too. At the end of the day, there are no guarantees you’ll make the right decision. The same way you have faith when you pull out your rosary beads, it’s a good idea to leave part of this choice in God’s hands too.
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