Over the centuries humans have always looked for ways to have fun.
Ever since the early cave men began playing some sort of tag or hide and seek, we have come up with all sorts of ways to entertain ourselves. We invented music, theater, comedy, drama, dancing, movies, television, and games.
But up until very recently enjoying some of that entertainment usually meant having to go out somewhere. And we all know that it isn’t always convenient to leave home because of the hassle of driving, parking, and even finding a babysitter if you have kids. That all adds up to not having as much of a good time, and also spending a lot more money.
Well, luckily things have changed. Now we have websites like Android Casinos online. With just one click you can find just about any game you are looking for right on your phone and browse through tons of games designed especially for your android device.
Speaking of that phone, have you ever stopped to think about that tiny computer you have in your pocket or purse? I know, I know, we call it a phone but in reality it is a computer, and a very powerful one at that.
In fact, it was not that long ago that nobody would have looked at one of these little flat screens and though it was a phone. I’d guess people back then would have probably thought that it was some kind of tiny TV.
Phones were big plastic boxes with long, curly cords that could never leave your house. Then came cell phones, but even the ones from a few years ago couldn’t do a fraction of the things that our n marvels can. Oh yeah, and they weighed a ton too.
Now phones are completely different. But did you know that one of the new little wonders being made these days can actually do more than the entire Apollo program’s computers could back when they were sending men to the moon?
It’s true. We know this because we had the amazing good fortune to be able to talk with retired NASA engineer Roy Whitson a few years ago while visiting the Cape Kennedy Space Center.
He was an absolute walking encyclopedia, and had fantastic stories about Neil Armstrong and the rest of the astronauts, and also told us all about designing the lunar module that actually landed on the moon.
While he was telling us the story about how Armstrong nearly ruining the whole mission right before the lunar landing by turning on both onboard computers at the same time and running out the batteries, I happened to pull out my phone.
Roy saw me do it and stopped talking for a moment, then he pointed at it and said, “See there. You’ve got more power in your hand than we had for the entire space program back in the day.”
We have never looked at our phones the same way since.
Sadly, Mr. Whitson passed away last year, but meeting him was a day that we will never forget.
So, while it may not be as monumental as launching a rocket to the moon, why not use some of that incredible power we carry around with us everyday to have some fun… and maybe even make some money.
It’s easy with websites like Android Casinos online.
David & Veronica, GypsyNester.com
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