Everything An Adventurer Should Know Before Cycling Across The USA

Staycations have become the preferred vacation choice for many in recent years. Many people are no longer satisfied with traditional holidays. Instead, they want adventure and excitement. Alongside seeking a thrilling adventure, vacationers want a budget-friendly way to get out and explore the world without going abroad.

This is where cycling staycations make an entrance. Cycling staycations are appealing as they are perfect for any thrill-seeker while going easy on the bank balance: a win-win! Keen to learn more? Keep reading as we share tips on what you should know before setting off on this great adventure.

Choose Your Bike Wisely

Starting with an obvious point, choosing the right bike will impact your cycling experience. Before you embark on your ride, you should consider how far you will be going, what the weather, humidity, and temperature are likely to be, and your own fitness levels.

Your bike should be of good quality, fitted to your size and body shape, and, of course, comfortable to ride. Since you will be riding your bike for hours at a time on a trip across the US, take your bicycle out for some long journeys before you go. This will allow you to check that your bike is the right fit before you head off on your journey.

If this is your first time on a long-distance bike ride, it may be worth considering your ebike options. These bikes have a battery-powered motor that helps to take some of the burden of powering the bike from you. This type of bicycle can help prevent overstraining and reduce fatigue on your trip. If you think an ebike would suit you, keep in mind that it will need charging as you go, so it won’t be ideal for long journeys off the beaten track.

Preparation Is Key

Before you set off, you should ensure that you have everything you will need for your trip. Avoid overpacking by only taking your essentials. The last thing you want is to travel with a heavy load. You should include food, water, clothes, and a tent. Taking food that will keep is essential, so energy bars, dried fruit and cured meats are perfect for snacking on when you take a quick pit stop.

If you are camping on your trip, then a specially designed bike tent could be perfect for you. These are compact, lightweight, and can be put up using your bike’s frame as part of the structure.

Something that will certainly prove useful on the trip is a small bike repairs kit. You should pack a puncture repair kit, spare tubes and a multitool that can help you repair any minor damage on the road. This will help to ensure you can get back on your bike in no time!

Maintaining Your Bike On The Go

Speaking of caring for your bike, after every ride, you should ensure that you clean off your bike where possible. Any dirt or damp on your bicycle can weaken it and cause damage further along the line. As such, check your bike at the end of every day for any rusting, damage, or punctures in the tires. Anything you notice should be fixed immediately, either by you or by a local bicycle mechanic.

As you get ready for a good night’s sleep, you should ensure that your bike is stored correctly. This will depend primarily on whether you are sleeping inside or out, in warm, cold, or wet weather. Check out this article from Velosurance for a more detailed guide on how to store a bicycle.

Allow Yourself To Have A Break

You should regularly stop for two reasons: to prevent overtiredness and to ensure you see all the sights. It might even help to try stopping every couple of hours as it enables you to have a drink and something to eat, look your bike over and explore where you’ve come to a stop. You never know, you might uncover a hidden gem that you hadn’t planned to see!

Stopping every hour or two will help ensure that you get enough water and food to keep you going. During your breaks, it would also help to ensure that you’re topped up with sunscreen. The last thing you want on your cycling trip is to be in pain from sunburn.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

If you’re taking one of the most popular cross-country routes across the US, it is highly likely you will encounter other cyclists. This can be a great way to make new friends, and team up if you want a bit of company for your ride.

Other cyclists on the road can also be a great source of help and information. No matter how experienced you are with cycling, it can never hurt to have advice about the road you’ll be travelling on or different weather or terrain you might encounter. If you have any questions, you’ll find someone on the road who will be more than happy to help you out.

So, ready to get on your bike and begin the journey?

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One thought on “Everything An Adventurer Should Know Before Cycling Across The USA”

  1. This guide is incredibly helpful for anyone considering a cross-country cycling adventure! The tips on bike selection, packing essentials, and maintenance are spot on. I particularly appreciate the advice on allowing for breaks and asking fellow cyclists for help—it’s these practical insights that make a big difference on a long journey. The idea of using an ebike for added support is a great suggestion too. Thanks for sharing such detailed and useful information

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