5 (Genuine) Ways to Travel the World for Free

These days it seems like everyone’s wandering the globe for months, even years at a time. Instagram is full of travelers, especially those in their 20s, posting incredible photographs from beautiful destinations.

But how are they affording it?

If you’re looking for ways to travel the world without having a big chunk of savings, you’re on the right track. You don’t need lots of money to travel, you can even travel for free!

Keep reading to discover the best ways to travel with no money. Hey, you might even earn some.


WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is an international organization that links travelers with farms and eco-friendly businesses. When you sign up to a country’s WWOOF chapter, you receive the details of every farm in that program.

You can stay for a few days or a few months, working on the property in exchange for food and accommodation. No money’s involved at all and you’ll learn lots about animals, organic gardens, and plenty more.

This is a perfect companion to going backpacking. What is backpacking you ask? Only the most fun way to get around! Backpack between WWOOF farms and travel as long as you like.

2. Teach English Abroad

Teaching English abroad is one of the best ways to travel without needing savings. Depending on which countries you want to teach in, TEFL certification can be very cheap and you’ll soon be up in front of a class.

Income varies but it’ll be enough to live in your chosen country. From China and South Korea to Thailand and Russia, you’ll get to immerse yourself in a place and live like a local.

3. Hitchhike on a Yacht

Thousands of yachts cross oceans and seas each year. But long passages require more crew members. If you’d like to reach far-flung places without paying for expensive flights, why not hitchhike on a yacht?

From crossing the Atlantic to sailing down to Mexico, yachts often bring on sailors and non-sailors to help them keep watches. Many don’t require payment and you’ll learn a huge amount.

4. Try Housesitting

From business trips and secondments to long vacations, many people leave their homes for weeks or even months. But who will water the plants and make the house look lived in? You!

There are lots of housesitting websites now where you can offer to housesit all over the world. You’ll get your accommodation for free and experience local life.

5. Get an Au Pair Job

As an au pair, you’ll be looking after young children. Many families look for English-speaking au pairs who can help teach their children the language and take care of them during the day.

You’ll get accommodation, pay, and often travel costs. Au pairs often work in foreign countries and go on holiday with their host family too.

The Best Ways to Travel the World for Free

Staying in fancy hotels and eating at the best restaurants might look great, but the reality is it’s too expensive for most of us. With these ways to travel the world for free, you’ll get so much more out of your experience.

From living with host families as an au pair and volunteering on farms to housesitting and teaching abroad, you’ll live the local way. See, travel doesn’t have to break the bank!

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