Bilbao, the Big Dog of Basque Country

We could hardly visit the Spanish Basque Country without a stop in Bilbao.

Home of a quirky Guggenheim Museum – the building itself is a work of art! – a giant flower puppy, a spider mamma, a rockin’ old town…CONTINUE READING >>

We could hardly visit the Spanish Basque Country without a stop in Bilbao.

Home of a quirky Guggenheim Museum – the building itself is a work of art! – a giant flower puppy, a spider mamma, a rockin’ old town…CONTINUE READING >>

Walking with Hemingway in Madrid

We began our jet lag fueled first day of exploring in what Ernest Hemingway called “the most Spanish of all cities” with a walk in the park. While wandering the tree lined paths we came upon…


We began our jet lag fueled first day of exploring in what Ernest Hemingway called “the most Spanish of all cities” with a walk in the park. While wandering the tree lined paths we came upon…


Picture This: The Christmas Market of Budapest, Hungary

It seemed that this market was more of a gathering place for friends and family to grab a bite, hang out, socialize, and listen to music than… CONTINUE READING >> 

It seemed that this market was more of a gathering place for friends and family to grab a bite, hang out, socialize, and listen to music than… CONTINUE READING >> 

Picture This: The Christmas Market of Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria can make a claim to having the original Christkindlmarkt.

Their December Market was the forerunner of the modern version and dates back to 1294…

Vienna, Austria can make a claim to having the original Christkindlmarkt.

Their December Market was the forerunner of the modern version and dates back to 1294…

What to do in Spain: Explore, Eat, and Enjoy!

Spain is a land of many regions and cultures, which makes for an extremely interesting place to visit. It also makes for a big variety of classic cuisine to try while traveling around the country… CONTINUE READING >> 

Spain is a land of many regions and cultures, which makes for an extremely interesting place to visit. It also makes for a big variety of classic cuisine to try while traveling around the country… CONTINUE READING >> 

Deep Inside the Creepy Catacombs of Paris

In Paris, a trip underground means journeying into the creepy subterranean Catacombs. When several of the city’s cemeteries ran out of room for any more burials, the remains of some six million people were moved…

In Paris, a trip underground means journeying into the creepy subterranean Catacombs. When several of the city’s cemeteries ran out of room for any more burials, the remains of some six million people were moved…

Roman Around Trier, Germany

We have found that often the coolest places we encounter in our travels are not well known tourist destinations. Trier, known as the oldest city in Germany, is certainly one of those places… CONTINUE READING >> 

We have found that often the coolest places we encounter in our travels are not well known tourist destinations. Trier, known as the oldest city in Germany, is certainly one of those places… CONTINUE READING >>